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Everything posted by Nailer

  1. So Cool Nick!! Jake was out with TJ on the 24th and had the same type results. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Very Cool. Thanks for sharing.
  3. Didn't get the pic, but sounds like a pig. Congrats.
  4. Nice looking Silver fish Gordy. Thanks for sharing. We look forward to next year.
  5. Is that Toronto in the back ground? Great gob on the video. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Setting up going with the waves will help keep the boat going straight.
  7. Holland 8/15/17 Picked the boat up from Ancorage hopping it would be fixed. Made our way out to 150' and set two riggers, and two 300' coppers. NW wind at 15 did not help. Ended up getting 3 kings. all 120 down on the riggers with white paddles, and poofster flies. Dang boat kept stalling, and we could not get the speed down where we wanted it. Dropped it back to Ancorage to have a new carb put on.
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