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Everything posted by Nailer

  1. Wow, a little action would help. Thanks for the update.
  2. Nice looking Trout there. No Kings at all. Good job on getting some fish in the boat.
  3. Great way to spend Fathers Day. Thanks for the update.
  4. Great looking fish there Erik Nice job.
  5. Nice fish, and photos guys/gale. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Sounds like a nice time. Thanks for posting the update.
  7. I took the Tiara up to Pentwater this weekend for a shakedown trip. Fished Saturday, Sunday, and Monday mornings. Saturday and Sunday where windy and rough, so we only fished for a brief time. Monday was great water, but results where about the same. Totals for the three short trips where 15 fish. 14 kings, and one chrome. 2 kings where in the 12, and 14 pound range, but all the rest where in the nice eater size of 3 to 5 pounds. Mostly fished the depths south of port at 150 to 170 fow. Targeted 45 to 65 feet down with spoons for the smaller fish, and a low diver with blue bubble rig down 100 feet for the two bigger fish. Great weekend on the water. Of the 15 fish we got, all but one was natural born. Only the #12 king had a clipped fin. After taking most of last year off, I hope to get out more this year.
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