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Opening day 2012 fun season - first 8pt

Just Hook'n

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So I finally bagged a wall hanger after years and years of hunting. I have to first say thanks to my dad to taught me everything I know about hunting. We grew up hunting (since I was probably 10) using a bow. My dad worked in the power house and would work for the gun season because other guys took the time off. So he would bank big money working 12 hour days during gun season - so we hunted bow. We used to pull the camper up north and hunt a week during october - it was awesome and some of the best memories a kid can have messing around in the woods with his father. Growing up bowhunting you learn how sensitive deer are to movement, noise, smells, etc. It makes for a really good gun hunter. Heck, I almost feel like I'm cheating when I use a gun - but it's still tough.

So, here's the story....

I didn't get the day off as I just started at my new company in January and I didn't want to burn what little vacation I have. Got in early and got out early to get out in the blind. Got in the blind about 3. 4:30 a doe walks out at 120 yards and strolls across the field. I was itchin my trigger finger but let her go as she was headed right over to my buddies area who was hunting north of me. About 10 minutes later i hear BLAAAAM...I'm thinking sweeeeet...then I here BLAAAAAM...and I'm thinking CRAP he missed. About 10 minutes later the doe wanders into the open field at about 200 yards and eats some corn on the ground left over from the harvest. She slowly walks back to the woods, but is looking into the woods. :grin:. Takes her about 20 minutes or so to get back into the woods with a long pause at the edge - 5 minutes or so. Then, out comes the buck...I'm struggling to find the distance...but I know he is closer than the doe was at 185 when she finally made it back into the woods. I had missed a big eight point last year on that same ridge at 185...so this year I was going to be sure. He kept walking across the field and I thought CRAP I am going to miss him. Finally got the range finder on his shoulder at 168. I got settled and he took a few more steps and stopped for a brief moment....I let my CVA wolf with 200shockwave and blackhorn 209 primer (shameless plugs) eat. He heaves forward...runs 50 yards to the fence line...stumbles through the weeds...goes north...DEATH SPIRAL AND DOWN. I was shaking for a good half hour and could barely stay in the blind...but I knew it was the right thing to do. I went home to get the tractor and got my buddy and we went looking. Right where I saw him go down. MAN when I got my hands on him I was geeeeeked. It was my first every 8 point buck. I probably put down a dozen does and a few oddball bucks...but this was awesome. He is not the biggest deer in the world, but I'm sure happy with him. about 170pounds dressed, 16 inches inside spread and very very much headed for the wall.


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