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Everything posted by A-Fishy-Anado

  1. That sounded EXCITING!! WOW! Thanks for the post.
  2. Very nice! I can hardly wait until my daughter is old enough to get out there with me.
  3. Jonas Thanks for taking the time and posting in the welcome center. I look forward to more posts from you. It is always interesting to learn more about fishing in other countries. Enjoy!!
  4. Thanks for the help Josh and the friendly comments. Mike really has put a great thing together and i myself am proud to be a part of such a great group of fisherman.
  5. Great Pics Adam! Nice set up...you guys don't mess around.
  6. Nice work Don. I have the great lakes planer system and love being able to adjust holders!
  7. There's that crazy yankee!! I find myself going back and reading your reports and trying to figure out how i am going to fit it into my schedule to come over and fish with you guys! Really enjoy your post Richard and look forward to many more! Peter you are right about this rig being a fish catching machine those boys know how to connect with the HOGS!!
  8. Jim Why did they discontinue that simrad model?
  9. Thanks for checking us out. John will be a great asset to this site! Some say there are not many that know stannard rock better than this man. VERY knowledgeable fisherman and willing to share alot as you all will soon find out:grin: I wish i knew how to run it like capt john does. Always out fishes me! Welcome aboard John!
  10. Hooters is one thing & Buffalo Wild Wings is another. If they can top BWW, let's hear it!
  11. Terry Nice rig! Gonna be tough to tell you and silver one apart if he doesn't sell his boat. I see a bloodbath in 2010 for the dog!
  12. same here....switched 2 600 LC to 1000' wire last year and there is nothing like it!! You will be very happy you did!
  13. I wish there were more browns in our area. Love them little fattys!
  14. Nothing besides the 1 tekota i need to complete my 8 rod rigger and diver spread. I finally have the boat where i always wanted it and i sure am looking forward to not spending thousands of $$ this year:grin:
  15. With the simrad you don't actually have to turn off the unit it is a matter of keystrokes to control the degree of your heading. There also is a dodge feature that requires pre sets to control the degree of turn and the distance before turning back to achieve your original course which is a VERY nice feature.
  16. Gary I am not sure on your first question. To answer your second question, you will need the smart pilot pump along with your power steering.
  17. Welcome aboard kevin! I think their time might be a little short, nonetheless i LOVE how the judge separated his jail time so he would be behind the bars during two different spawns:D
  18. Welcome aboard Bill! Chances are, this site will become an addiction to you if you are hungry for fishing knowledge. Great bunch here always willing to lend a helping hand and help you spend you $$$$$$$
  19. That is one sweet set up. Now i would only have to buy a four wheeler to go with it. You guys are going to break me with all these good ideas!!
  20. Dan Is Serafin a tribal fisherman? There are some posts on the U.P website about this and was curious.
  21. Great post rich! Looks like more fun than us sitting in our ice shacks!
  22. Thanks peter. Now i have another project! This is a very good idea for storage while trailering the boat!!
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