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My team and I fished the Big Red Classic this weekend. What a great experience and well put together tournament. Class operation for sure. Thank you to all the sponsors as well.

Saturday: fished straight out and a touch south in 110fow to start. Boated three fish ranging from 17 to 19lbs. Off to a great start. Shelly Snack off high diver 150 back, green splatterback plug low diver 124 deeper diver 80 back, and stack/slider green jeans and half jeans off rigger 65 down. Fished until 8am as planned ran down to Saugatuck. Set up in 130fow and went to RV spoons and flasher flies. Ran riggers down 80 and 100 with sliders. 300 coppers and 350 and 400 coppers finished our box. Megatron w/green fly on 400 took 16lb. 300 took two nice fish with RV crapface and 350 finished our box off with another mid teen fish with custom green flasher and fly combo. Ended with 87 lb 5 fish box. We also end our south troll half way to South Haven. Wow!

Sunday. Why mess with a plan that worked. So out we went to our way point. Set up and we free spooled wire diver. Out of commission. Then tangled rigger and other inside Diver somehow. My goodness. Then some boat ran up on us and literally set lines within 30 feet of our boat and then trolled into towards us. Seriously? So, we yanked up and ran towards Saugatuck. Zero fish and we have to boat five. So, we worked. 150 fow straight out. Small king on Raspberry Carbon on 250 copper. Then green jeans on rigger 60 down 8lb king. Hook up on a nice fish off high diver back 214' Optimus prime flasher white fly. Screamed out 100feet of line and it got into 300 and gone. 325 copper went with dragon slayer green fly 20lb king. Caught a 4lb coho on 225copper with some crazy orange spoon. I was desperate to get five fish. We had 2 hours to fish at this point and off went to 400 copper. Optimus price with green gold crinkle fly... Here we go. Nope lost it. Then we caught a small king 6lb on 250 copper with rv Shelly Snack. One fish to go. Come on. 12:20pm and we have to be back to Holland asap from south of Saugatuck. We yanked lines one fish short. We had been marking all day fish in the top 40 feet and I sent a 6 color out with a coho killer spoon at 11ish. It was the last rod to pull and while reeling it in a fish hit it. We reeled it in crossing our fingers it would come off. We boated it and we were off. Glad the lake was dead calm our we wouldn't have made it back in time. Only 44lbs of fish for day two but we placed high enough cover entry fee and gas. Fun weekend. Hard fishing and a great team of friends.

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