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Got out of Holland with my middle daughter late last night.  Was a bit sporty.  Never shipped a drop trolling into them kinda surprised as we were looking up at a few of them.

Ended up further south than we wanted dropped in at 80’ and pounded into them out to 130’.  At 125 was swapping the first rigger to a glow program when a blue dolphin down sixty on the other rigger got pounded.  It made a good run then popped loose.

As we started to turn to ride the waves back to 75’ the slide diver out 180 mag moonshine bloody nose went.  To 350.  Then 540.  Then popped off.  Grrr

About 120 green glow j on a full core dug in.  Hard.  Ok 120 it is.    Turned to head south which put that board in the outside of a turn making it even more fun.  Got the board off after about ten minutes same slide diver gets ripped then the rod pops up in that oh that’s gonna be expensive kind of way sure enough spoon gone.  Get that in rigger on that side flounder pounder swr down 55 goes daughter gets that and it takes off.  

About them my full core fish comes loose.  Huh?  Look over and now we have an entire side of the boat clear to land this last fish.  And we are going to land this fish.  Dammit we are not coming home skunked.

It’s in the 300 copper.  

So somehow in the dark I bring that in and get it untangled  down to two lines in the water and finally catch up to the fish who is now off the port bow about 100’.  Ok then.  Still hooked even though there’s been no pressure on him for ten minutes.  This would be the side of the boat with lines still down.

As soon as I tighten it up it turns runs the boat and goes straight into the wire.

Get that unwrapped and I can tell it’s big and hooked weird as when I pull it goes sideways.  Finally get the core on the rod had to stop to pull the fleas off the knot nope he pulls it back.  Play this game about five times get all the core on the reel hand the rod off to my daughter after explaining how to thumb the spool as each wave surge is pulling drag.  Inch by inch she gains the last thirty feet and I scoop it up.  Spoon was in the hinge of its jaw.  

Pull in the last two lines we are in 145’ four miles south in 2-3’ in a 15 horse 14’.  Not 75’ straight out as planned.  But the trough was a perfect ride and we ran back in no problems until we got near big red then a blinding light was shining at us.  Oh why not just throw in an alien abduction in tonight to add to the story nope big freighter lining up to come out. We idled as it went by that was pretty cool.


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Outstanding story.  You told it well.  I noted the Great Republic was unloading as I drove past the depot area where the power plant was formerly located.  Lake has been kicking up in the evening the last two nights.  Glad I made the call to play golf and grill steak and corn for the evening.  Hoping to get out tonight if seas stay level.

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