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Everything posted by BlueCollarOutdoors

  1. 20 lb big game on everything and I have not lost a fish because of line breakage in years. Let em run and set your drags on dipseys loose.
  2. New edit from last year, the other screaming diver link made me think of this one. Watch the diver about 10 seconds in get pounded. Straight up fire drill that actually lasted about 20 minutes, took down 3 nice kings.
  3. I would also recomend the tracks, looking back I wish thats waht I would have done. On the other hand, unless your fishing constantly I dont see the need for electric riggers. You can get manuals much cheaper and spend all that extra money on tackle and rods. Its not that big of a deal to crank them up in my opinion. Riggers off the corners or just up the outside edge, divers about 2 feet ahead of them, then something to hold some leadcore rods for boards up towards the middle of the boat. You might want to try the clamp on style rod holders just to get a feel for where you want things, but you will not want to run with something so unstable for long. Before you drill any holes, hold a rod in place and try all your compartments doors and get all other rods in place to make sure nothing is blocking each other. Rod placement correctly the first time can savce you alot of headaches right off the bat and make for more enjoyable trips over the years. I have a board held by 2 screws that holds my riggers. I can either remove the board, which is simple. or leave the board, pull a pin and take the riggers out in seconds if im jigging or chasing a new species. Good luck, welcome to the ball game.
  4. I did something similar to this last year early season and caught fish on it. I got riggers for the first time and short on time didnt put new cables on. One side only had 100 feet of cable and we were getting fish at 130 ish down in 170 fow. I was gettin hits at 125 on one side and nothing on the other so I let my spoon out 50 feet, then clippped on a 4 oz snapweight, another 50 feet of line, put it in the release and sent down the cannonball. Strarted picking up fish on that rig as well. Pretty easy fix, snapweights are so useful and simple to use. If the highlines are dead I will toss a 6 or 8 oz weight on the shortcores and now your fishing 50 feet down instead of 15.
  5. I would go with the magdas they have done well for me over the last few years. When I used the smaller 20s the drags did not stand up well for pulling dipseys. Pick up a 9 foot dipsey rod from just about any company, fleet farm or the equivalent will get you a good rod for 25 to 30 bucks. I run the so magda 39s? with a cheap dipsey rod and 20 lb mono and cant remember my last breakoff on a dipsey rod.
  6. I never had any luck on braid when someone convinced me how great it was. I really only run a 6 line spread generally 2 riggers, 2 dipseys and 2 high lines. I run leadcore, and then mono on everything else. I dont own any copper or a wire dipsey. How much do you think the whole setup should cost me, and is it a hot enough setup that I need to pick one up?
  7. Id say go with the manuals, its not like your reeling up the weights every 5 minutes. I bought a 40 dollar used pair of rivera manuals last season and caught all kinds of fish on the old rusty things. Spent another 10 to add a counter to one side, but still magicaly caught fish when I had to count the rotations on the way down. The fish have no idea how shiny your riggers are in the boat 200 feet away from your lure.
  8. I have been hit or miss in the shallow water. Look for temp breaks and dirty water. With browns more than any fish 99 percent of the fish are in 1 percent of the water. I could run the shorelines in clear water without a bump for hours, find dirty water and boom there goes a board. Dont be afraid to try the pier heads as well, especially if you get a nice scum line. 4IBr7IowK9k In shallow I like floating rapalas and xraps. Deeper out to 25 feet i like reeprunners in crawdad.
  9. I will say i second alot of the previous choices, but happy meal on a dipsey was pretty steady for me last year. Had about a 12 trip fish streak going mid summer and it was usually a nice king. One one trip in the fox we had a double 10 seconds apart, one on a dipsey and one on a snapweight off the boards same side.
  10. Glad you liked it, I will remember that day forever and nice to have to video so show how some of it went down.

  11. I fish the wiscsonsin side so sliders count as an and extra rod basically. But its any easy way to get an extra line in the water if i have more people in the boat without messing with my normal spread. I did not run them very often this year maybe 15 hours and they took 4 fish i think. 2 of those were on a small bloodynose spoon free sliding. 2 were fixed. When i run fixed i take a the black release from an offshore board. 2 swivels, 1 on each end of a 3 to 4 foot piece of mono. Put the offshore release free slideing on the mono in the middle(put the mono through the brass eyelet) Lower your rigger with flasher 15 to 30 feet, then attach your snap swivel to the first main line, pinch the offshore release above it and throw the other end with spoon in the water. Lower the cannonball to 100 feet and now your working 100 feet with flasher and 70 with spoon.
  12. Lost track after we hit 100 on my boat. I think we ended around 120. Was good for about another 60 or so on 2 others boats. Had a good year. Finally got some results out of leadcore, started to use snapweights effectively, ran mag dipseys with no problems, and settled on a nice spread of go to lures. Ready for spring!
  13. I love this video, I learned to love my downriggers, but nothing beats the initial zing on a diver. I had alot of rookies this year, see me pick up a rigger rod and say how the hell did you know somehting was there?
  14. Thats a heck of a camera, way out of our budget for right now. Someday.
  15. It was fine that day, a week later when by some miracle it ended up in the livewell....not so good. Took it apart, dried it all out, still works but looks about 60 percent of what it used to. Not happy about that at all. The lens has a constant fog to it. Thats why i havnt been putting up any new videos.
  16. Glad you like it. Any of the fish where we were removing the boards in the later half of the video were around 9 oclock. The fog woud lift a touch then get terrible again. It was very strange. When we quit around 10 we were greeted by a wall around 30 fow. Our windsheild, the fishing line, even our shirts instantly were holding water. Had a lot of fun on that little boat this summer, and my 40 dollar riggers were a great investment. Im sitting around 125 fish for the year, I think I had 30 last year, and 20 the year before. So Im moving in the right direction I guess.
  17. Sometime in July, couldnt see 100 yards in that junk. The fishing however was very good. WE landed a few fish on riggers with green flashers, then dipseys with white flashers and a happy meal spoon. Around 9 oclock we hit 2 rainbows and 2 double digit kings on orange spoons on the 5 color and a 2 oz snapweight back 150 feet on the boards in 125 fow. h1fbpuvgNr4
  18. Have your gear organized and ready to go for the morning bight. That window is short get your spread out there and start hammering them. The first rod i set if running leadcore is my 10 color, while going about 10 mph! Slow down when you get to the backing and clip on the board, get its out in about a minute.
  19. kyle, looks like its going good for you in sb. I heard the water went down to about 60 in kewaunee with all these west winds. I had friends out sunday morning and they got 14 kings, all over 10 lbs out in 170 fow. I will be out for the first time in a month on my boat, but im sure we will be setting up shallower than that. I will be in town thursday and friday as well if for some reason you could use another guy to fill out your boat. Thanks for the reports. [email protected] if you need a guy.

  20. I use a 209 with a 5 color, one of those redi cores, all pre tied from fleet farm and it fit just fine. Caught alot of fish on it too. Yes, it is alot of cranking becuase the retrieve rate is fairly low. Love that loud clicker though, especially in low light, its the only penn i run, and you know right away waht pole it is.
  21. In wisconsin, sliders are an extra lure. I guess you have to check the fine print in your state.
  22. As long as possible, i got 9 feet on spoons and 6 on flasher flys. It makes a difference.
  23. I love my frabill power lock yoke, not the longest at about 6 feet but compacts down to about 3, rock solid handle. I dont like reaching out 10 feet for fish anyway. I use an offshore clip to hold the netbag back til the fish hits the pop down she goes. Gets rid of that washout effect you can get if you dont net fast and furious on the first attempt.
  24. Let us know what kind of gear you have and maybe we can help you out a bit. We run out of kewaunee all the time, which is probably your closest port, maybe we can get you going in the right direction.
  25. double orange crush on a halfcore has been very good to me for a mixed bag. Also 2 colors off your deepest rigger with a moonshine sppon will take some hits.
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