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KJ pluggin

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Everything posted by KJ pluggin

  1. Location is the deciding factor for me. I would love to fish tournament around the lake but I don't have the time or money to do that right now.
  2. Welcome to the site Ken. I like to let my dipsies run out as I set my riggers, similar to what Mark said, then I start setting out boards starting with the outside. For dipsies its easier to run the high diver first and the low diver second. If you run your low diver first you just have to let out the hi diver slower so it doesn't drop down into your low diver and create a huge mess.
  3. They might not be derby fish but they look pretty darn good to me, nice job Rich.
  4. Good catch JB, thanks for the video.
  5. For me it primarily depend on what size of spoon is taking fish, but when I am setting up in low light conditions I run more mags, and I put out smaller size spoons when I setup during brighter conditions.
  6. My dad and I fished the Kewaunee Offshore Tournament last weekend with my my good friend Jesse and his wife. I was a little leery about fishing a tournament with them since they have only been out salmon fishing a few times, but they were up for the challenge so we went for it. We made it out to the lake about mid afternoon on Friday and were left with a few hours before the captains meeting so we ran to 120 FOW and set down on a East troll to get a feel for what the water was like. We trolled for about a 30 min and took a hit on the 250 CU in 150 fow pulling a Kevorkian SD and a blue/green ITO fly but after a few good runs he spit the hook. We headed back in shortly after with a little more info but still relatively uncertain on where we should fish in the morning. Sat. At 5:00 all the boats were let loose from the pier head and we ran out to the 140's just North of the can and set up on a North troll. After trolling for close to an hour without a bump we had worked our way out to the 160's and finally took our first hit, a 12# king on the 300 Cu pulling the same setup that had worked for us the previous day. That blue/green ITO was the hot fly for the day taking the majority of our fish run behind the Kevorkian SD, white & blue holo SD, UV mtn dew Hot Spot, and white and blue holo Pro-Troll. These combos were run on wire divers, 250 cu, 300 cu, full core, and rigger. We also took a few hits on spoons as well: happee meal on full core, stinger hud special on 200cu, and a green union on a SWR. We picked up fish from 160 to 200, the group of fish that we were working seemed to be moving NE as the day went on. Troll direction seemed to be the most important factor for the day after the wind and current picked up, our best troll was to the NW. When the day was done we were 11 for 16 with 7 kings, 2 steelhead, and 2 coho. After the weigh-in was all finished up we landed in 5th place with a 10 fish weight of 91.07 lbs. Sun. On Sunday we fished from 4:45 to to 9:45 in the same water we had fished the previous day and the fish were still there. We worked the same pocket of fish pretty much the entire morning and had 3 doubles and a triple on the morning. The hits were pretty much split between spoons and flies and color seemed to be less important than the previous day. Blue, green, aqua, and glow ITO flies were working behind white flashers on copper and dipsies. JJ Mac, Emminator, and liberty Moonshine spoons on riggers, copper, and lead. Our best water on Sun. was 160 to 170 on a NW troll. We ended up 12 for 17 with 8 kings, 1 steelhead, 2 coho, and 1 laker.
  7. KJ pluggin


    Nice trout James, good job taking care of business.
  8. I don't run sliders very often but if I do i make them about 5' or 6'. You don't want to make them to long or else you will have problems netting at the back of the boat.
  9. Looked like a fun trip guys, thanks for sharing.
  10. A SWR is a short segment of leadcore, 1 to 3 colors for us, run on your downriggers. The idea is to get your lure below the turbulence of the cannon balls and trigger strikes from less aggressive fish. Most people run spoons or plugs on them but you can run anything. I like to run them after the morning bite slows bit they can be effective anytime of the day.
  11. Gata love it when the box looks like that! Nice job Frank.
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