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  1. Today
  2. Fished with my good friend Tom this evening from 5:00pm through dusk so happy to get 6 lines in the water. Worked 110 to 140 FOW north of the harbor initially without a bump. Spread: 5-Color LC on board: Orange red ladder Stinger spoon 200' Weighted Steel on board: Orange/gold Pro King spoon Downriggers: SD and green fly | SWR: Blue dolphin 1.5 set Dipseys: SD and purple fly | Purple Stinger At 8:00pm worked 90-80 FOW. Spread 5-Color LC on board: Orange red ladder Stinger spoon - caught a shaker 200' Weighted Steel on board: Orange/gold Pro King spoon Downriggers: SD and dark purple fly | SWR: Silver Alewife spoon from mid 90's 1.5 set Dipseys: Mixed Veggies | Purple Stinger - hit with a break off that did not spool any line In 85 FOW we witnessed one or more kings just off the port side of the boat, estimate 10lb or a bit more, jumping repeatedly on a horizontal and vertical plane, heading south. We crossed over this action but no bites. It was at this point we noticed the dipsey with the purple Stinger was compromised. Last, we donated a Port side red Church Board just south of Holland harbor. There is no owner information on the board. We marked bait balls mostly at the bottom in the shallow water. Fish - perhaps 3 marks all night. The water was empty of fish other than the jumpers at the end of the night. Flies were not what they were on Friday.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Jerryriggin Sportfishing Charters Capt. Jeremy Meyer
  5. Looking for recommendations to take the wife on a salmon charter out of Manistee at the end of July as part of our 50th wedding anniversary celebrations. Sent from my iPad using Great Lakes Fisherman
  6. nice job in the Laker i sure struggled on Parker on Friday night - the flies were horrendous and we headed in 2hrs early the larger fish are extremely hard to come by in recent week or two that's for sure! Here is a 25.7# Laker that my son & captain Sam of Fowl Hooked boated in the Ladies Tournament out of GH on Friday. They ran all the way up to Whitehall and got it there. CONGRATS to them for winning big fish a second time! And yesterday somehow they managed an 11# brown off Mona Lake so I suspect they may grab the top in that species too!?
  7. Last week
  8. Do you still happen to have your evo9? If so, please feel free to call or text me at 480-283-3149.
  9. Great pic on that herring! Agree, the fly bite was nasty.
  10. I went out of Pt Sheldon late yesterday afternoon and went 0 for 1 and marked a total of 4 fish over 4 hours going from 210' back into 130' running a 2 man spread. Out of 4 other boats I talked to at the docks when we got in...there was 1 fish caught and it had been dragging for awhile and a 1 meal fish.
  11. I was one of the O’fers. Marked some bait pods and a few fish in the 125-130 fow but couldn’t get anything to go. Fished from 70-160 Fow. Tried 10 color, 225 copper, rigger and dipsy at different times, various depths and speeds with spoons and flasher flies to no avail. I pulled lines early at 7:30. Definitely not an early bite for me. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  12. Fished straight out from the pier heads from 5:00-8:30pm. Bounced between 100-135fow mainly. Hooked up on a shaker king in 103fow on a 6 color; blue/green flasher-fly. No other hits except we picked up a Herring that thought he was hanging out with a friend. From the flies perspective, the bite was uncanny. Bad night to wear shorts.
  13. Set down solo in 90 FOW at 5:00pm. Ran 200' weighted steel on a board off the port and 10 color LC on a board off the starboard and SWR off the lone downrigger. Ran out to 225 FOW without a bump rotating through an all spoon spread of mixed veggies, copper plated watermelon, UV green dolphin, UV spotted frog and orange crush. Marked one fish. Ripped lines and came back in to 110 FOW. Ran two dipseys and 10 color LC down the shoot. Marked one big bait ball in 101 FOW. At dusk, in 83 FOW, finally got bit. 8lb king hit a purple stinger down 27' on the outside dipsey trolling northwest. I let the king go in this cold water as I am keeping only coho and steelhead until I finish up the kings in the freezer (almost there). Picked up a shaker as I was ripping lines to go in. Lots of O'fers on the radio. A full assortment of bugs out in force tonight. The flies were even biting my fingers after I put on pants and long sleeves. I am just a magnet for the biters.
  14. No king, but a 11#, 31" laker, on a DR down 108 in 155fow on a flounder pdr mag at 11:09am yesterday. I was halfway to my Holland two fish limit. Sent from my Z5156CC using Great Lakes Fisherman mobile app
  15. Never made it out, I run a 16ft boat seemed I bit choppy, there will be better days.
  16. Don't worry, fishing will get better. It has too, can't cut the yard every day!
  17. Made only our second trip of the season to the big lake today at South Haven. Zero boat trailers in the parking lot at the boat launch when we got there at 6:30 should have told us what to expect. We could only scratch up four fish going 4-4. Two lakers, a nice steelhead and a small king. Two lakers on the downrigger 75 feet down with a tin can dodger doctored up with green prism tape on one side with a chrome and green spin-n-glow. A small king hit the other down rigger down 65 feet with a UV blue dolphin spoon. The steelhead hit 10 colors of leadcore with a warrior whammy spoon. Fished 70 to 120 feet of water. All fish came in narrow band of water 105 to 108 deep. Only 3 fish last trip down in St Joe and four this trip. Hard to get excited about 3-4 fish per trip these days. Sent from my iPad using Great Lakes Fisherman
  18. First skunk of the season after a dozen trips. Fished 80-145’ with no hits. Two other boats got a few.
  19. he won big fish in the GH tourney today - photo is attached
  20. no problem please share info on what you figure out tonight! kings are tiny and sparse right now my son did just land a 23# chinook on Fowl Hooked in the pro tournament off Grand Haven a couple hours ago but those guys are good and I have no idea how they found that mature fish!
  21. Thanks for the report, hoping to make it out tonight.
  22. 2for2 77-81fow was what worked South and Southeast troll both came on copp250 Hawaiian spoon cool morning out there & good thing PUG bundled up
  23. First time fishing out of Grand Haven (typically out of Holland). Started out great, average sized king at 6:30am in 120FOW trolling West, with the East wind. Nothing after that as East winds picked up quickly by 7am and effective trolling became tough. Ranged from 80-150FOW, did not mark much. King: 120FOW, 225 copper w/ Superbread spoon: 6:30am. West troll (East wind)
  24. Picking up my new truck tomorrow which will allow us to get up north and fish more.
  25. Earlier
  26. first time out this season PUG has been down south nailing Tarpon and Goliath Grouper all winter so now he has to shift gears for Michigan 3for3 first fish was on dipsey at 6am while letting it out in 68fow on a west troll.. literally was the first rod I had set this year and it went off within 8seconds while I was slowly letting her out (60 out) so hopefully that is a good sign on what's to come other 2 fish came in a chaotic double in 78fow at around 745am on a NW troll both the 10 color went with a green jeans spoon and also the rigger went 38 down with a shelly snack spoon seemed quite out there on radio
  27. The Reel Shot in Appleton, WI and Tangled Tackle in Manistee carries DW meat rigs but it appears the Red Pepper is out of stock. I have purchased product from both these stores. My other favorite places to buy gear (Fat Nancy's, Franks, Fish USA, Fish 307) don't carry the DW meat rigs. A-Tom-Mik product seams to be more widely carried. Good luck.
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