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Everything posted by Nailer

  1. I tried a Polomar not, but it was not easy. This is the knot every one uses. http://www.lotsa.org/Wire%20Line%20Knot.htm
  2. I like your thought pattern here Don. I only have one 250' 45 pound copper rig. It work very good. I like the thought of switching the full core to a 150 copper just to save all that reeling.
  3. It's nicest to have them toward the front of your boat, pointed up and slightly out. The higher you get the rod tip, the less they are in the way of other rods. Also if you have to net your fish on the side, it's nice having them forward.
  4. This is what I did with mine. So far it has worked. I epoxied the hard wire to it. (It was a Bottom Bouncer before) Then I use this on the cable.
  5. Nice job Randy and Jarod. Big kings a small boats are fun! Did they pull the boat around a bit?
  6. One is better than none. Good to have you back this year Mr Ed.
  7. 7 pounds = 8th place, Sounds like a lot of skunks came in. Nice job on your 2.
  8. Pretty good when 13 is a bad day:D I bet Rodger and his wife had fun.
  9. Phil, nice job getting the out of towners some fish.
  10. They where coming in like bananas this morning, IN BUNCHES! We cleared the pear heads at 6:30 and headed to 90 fow. First fish ripped the slider off my Starboard rigger (SS Smurf), before I could get it reset #2 hit the port rigger on a SS Green Sexy Shad down 65 on the rigger out at 110 fow down 65'. hit a slow spell, then took a double on same two spoons in 150 fow. hit another slow spell before the full core/ Double Trouble went in 154 Fow, as we netted that fish the Starboard rigger started bucking again (same SS Smurf), as Jacob was playing that one out when the Port rigger went again, This time with a SS Yellow Tail down 55'. We took one last fish back in 90' on one of the riggers as we where pulling lines. The divers (all 4 of them) did nothing this morning for us. Ended the day 7 for 8. No real big fish, but all nice fish. Ken.
  11. We herd ya out there Kevin, It's great you got some nice fish, and smiles for the young guy.
  12. Crowds suck, catching Walleye fun! Nice job frank.
  13. You got that right Phil. This weekend looks go though.
  14. I printed it out both from my mac, and my pc. With the pc, do as John says. The only thing I had to do was change the margins to get it all on one page.
  15. Can you not just pick Landscape instead of portrait or vise versa in the printing options? Where did you find the log?
  16. You got that right Andy! We stopped at the buffet on our way home, the little pig had three plates. He's 14 years old, 182 pounds and 6 feet tall.
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