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silver one

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Everything posted by silver one

  1. I also tried giving ya a call but we did not get over to the lake untill around Noon. We did not do any salmon fishing. Kids wanted to spend the day at the dunes. Perched fished for about 1.5 hours got 7 that I kept maybe caught 14 in all and about 20 gobies. was a very nice day after the storm passed.
  2. You da man Jay. I showed the crew that is heading up in two weeks with us this report and they are stoked. How far North did you end up.
  3. Lucas: I love your avitar. 5 degrees port Mr. hooper. One of my all time favorite low budget films.
  4. Thanks for the report Jay. I will be up in two weeks.
  5. I would like to see the bigfoot goose decoys that you have. If you could pm me a pic I would appreciate it. Not looking for any duck decoys. I enough of those. thanks
  6. I have a dumb quetion. Why would you want 500' of cable? The Moore subtroll starts to fade out after 150' and quits reading over 200'. These are not exact numbers but there is a cut off point. So Im just curious what you want that mutch cable for.
  7. Thanks for the report Justin. I think that is what Im going to go over and target on Sat.
  8. Wow. now thats putting the smackdown on them. thanks for the report.
  9. Yes we did. We are actually heading up to our cabin this aftenoon two hours north of gun lake and are going to try some stream trout fishing with waders and flyrods. Maybe some bluegill fishing. just hope there is enough time after I doo all the chores that need to be done up there.
  10. Gun Lake is my home lake. I live 5 min down the road. Lots of fish in that lake. Fish the edges of the drop off over by party Island and chicago point. if your looking for crappies and gills. bards cove is also a great pan fish spot. if looking for bass then target west gun. Smallmouth then fish Englands poing and hastings point. Also good crappie fishing in Robins bay. I will say this all pan fish I catch are on a 1/64th oz black jig with white and pink eyes with a Yum twistertail body color smoke tipped with a waxie. I catch everything on this. for Bass, lipless crankbaits and tubes right now. Green pumpkin, greenwatermellon, and motoroil are the top ones out there. You can try for walley but I would not waist my time. most guys that catch them out there catch them by accident. Ive spent more hours then I care to say fishing walleye throwing every method know at them and have caught some dandies but over 23 years ive netted maybe a dozen walleye. hope this helps.
  11. Now that looks like it would have been a blast. thanks your for the pictures.
  12. Got a shot of my boat from Mooskeys wife when comming up the channel in Southhaven the week of the tournement in May. Here is a shot of the glf decal if any were wondering how they look.
  13. Metalic Green is my best. They all work but I believe it is the combination along with what you run behind it. Metalic green is my most productive with the flasher fly combo. when I run spoons solid chrome is real productive and when pulling js wonderbread is hands down the winner.
  14. Tough fishing right now. always is this time of year. But you did not get the big goose egg. Nice job.
  15. Thanks for the report Phill. Im certain Im pullin the silver one up now. Might even be this comming weekend.
  16. Awsome. now get that todler a new fishing pole. Might not be able to use it at first but they will chew on it when teathing starts.
  17. not sure but try getting online and see if you can find set instructions or call the manufacture. sometimes they will email them to you in a pdf file.
  18. That does stink. No show ridders should be charged for waisting your time. espcially if they dont own a boat, which means they have no Idea how much time you spend in preperation to get ready for an ordinary trip. Its alot of work and even though we enjoy it the amount of time put in is mentionalble.
  19. Im sitting here at work and just looked at the Holland web cam and it looks absolutly Awsome out on the lake this morning. Hope all of you are catching the Mother load. Even if your not its better then being at work.
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