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Posts posted by gmfishon

  1. What does it matter. Killing adult salmon means they never spawn which means in 3 years there's no offspring from that fish. Killing a 16 inch king means that fish never grows up either.... boats go out in October and slam young of the year fish yet we still have adult fish....

    You can't wrap your mind around the fact that maybe some of the released fish would even grow up to a 2 years stage and be fun to catch. Everyone knows an adult salmon is done, but come on a 12 incher ? Let em go, let em grow. This may be a touchy, no good answer topic

  2. Indiana already does it. Thrown back plenty of dead 13.5" coho.

    I knew it would only take a short time before someone responded this way. Yes some are gonna die. Lets say we do a slot with only one or two below 18 . If its bleeding through the eye ,keep it if its healthy as can be flip it off without even netting it or anything. I think in the long run its the best option. We used to think that all the lake trout that floated were dead til a seagull came around and they swam away. With the slot we have had for years in the bay, the lake trout fishing is at a high for both size and numbers.

  3. I second fbd. Drag the cannonballs right on the bottom if you are in a area that you can get away with it. No rocks or as the case here in the bay a lot of green slime, really cut down on this technique. You can put a release a bit above the ball. We used 6lb balls and would drag them so the rigger arms and rod tips were always bouncing. I also second the idea of running a speed relative bait if you suspect any kings are around. I have cought a bunch of kings on spoons that run at different speed ranges as well as attractor/fly setups. In over 30 years of my boat and being a mate ,I have only witnessed a few shaker and 1 mature king on a spin and glow.

  4. Nobody wants to talk about nets. I will throw my hat in the ring. Lots of salmon still going in tribal nets. I live by the Indians they take fish we plant and spend $ on

    nobody can dispute this see it first hand

    sure would be good if they stuck to the fish the great spirit planted vs the ones our license $ planted

  5. I fished browns a few times, but have not been out in a while because i have been fishing steelhead non stop. The first king of the year in frankfort was caught today. Brown and lake trout fishing has been ok.

    Thanks for the report. It must be something with the way you are making the twist before you put it in the release.

  6. Went at least 10 years ago and heard it was a concern

    Probably more than 10 meat was kinda new here and we took a chance on getting herring and a drunk driver across. Made it but could have been turned away

    I think for the most part what u hear g

    Has some truth to it

  7. I am just surprised by the charter captains who post things like hurry prime dates going fast. Were hammering them call us now. We just had a cancellation. You get the picture. Not sure how many on this site would take a charter but they come across as we are all chomping at the bit to drive 500 miles to somewhere new. Or that we would love to leave are own boats sit and go throw more money for an already expensive hobby. I know guys occasionally go on a trip where they can't take there boat and or want to learn something new but not that many. The ones who do when it comes up usually just ask for a recommendation.

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