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Posts posted by gmfishon
glad you cought something. used to be with my dad we would only do well when everything else went wrong. trolling with a buddy one year for spring browns we had been catching them on body baits. thought we had another on then the line started going up in the air. turned out the seagull wanted a rapala breakfast also.
guys dont let this post get out of hand. It started with someone just wanting a simple fishing reports. MODERATORS THOUGHTS.....?
i dont think they will work but lets say you try it and nail the steelhead. how will you know if it was the spreader bar or just catching fish you would have anyway? you allready have had success with topwater steel. maybe you try it without the spreader bar catch nothing then throw the spreader bar over and see if it lures them in ? stick with other things we have allready talked about.
you will likely get the same answers as on the other board you posted this on.
as above mostly lake trout with a few salmon i dont consider west bay a great salmon fishery but it has more than most of this area. when you get into august charlevoix can be good. i would put in a lot of time and pay close attn to the graph and look for potential spots then hit the gps. go to them when wind and water temp should have fish there. i am sure a lot of undiscovered fishing spots exist but this area really does not get the pressure for a bunch of guys to chime in with go here or.......
saw this on another site with 30+ answers and most thought as above-same old and nothing special and not worth any extra $
says 25000 in add and transom shows mexico ny
Thanks for all the input guys!
sure let us know down the road what you went with and how it worked. good luck and fish on !!!!
first welcome to the site. i think you have it pretty covered with what you have. take what you think is the most productive for you and duplicate at least one of that length. then maybe the 2nd most and one new length or do 2 new lengths. i think the lengths you mention would be what i go with. personal preference but i like copper better than leadcore so i would make a couple shortys.
you had some good action and way to take a kid fishing !!!!!
Yes, you are required to hold at least a 6Pack great lakes & inland if you want to accept payment of any kind; they have done away with the inland license only a few years ago.
I will be getting off the site shortly so give me a call if I can answer any more questions for you. You can also go to our site www.uscaptains.com
i am not sure if doug is talking about guide from bank,boat or both. but you are saying that to guide river anglers with out a boat you still need a cg license. i find this hard to believe and would say there are a whole bunch of unlicensed guides if thats the case
i Have dish but what channel is it on ?
hey guys I already got the message that he was comparing then to the price of the okumas. cut me a little slack. im human I make mistakes ok.
yes after i posted i wondered if it was just a typo,should have asked sorry no harm meant. lets face it even some of the lower priced gear adds up in a hurry. this is an expensive ADDICTION we have.
Not in this life time. Last time I checked cv were anywhere from 65-90 size depending.
i know so whoever posted the 37.50 where did that come from??
nothing personal but I don't think you can get a 45 convector and rod for 37.50. but if he can he has my blessings.
so let me get this straight-a tekota 800 costs $75 ? convectors are half the price ?
you are about right on the price. I did a little more research and found the capt pack at amazon.com for 529.00 each. I don't know why ebay is so dern high. they had them priced from 742.00 to 799.00. go figure.
if his is like new condition then 400.00 each you would still save 129.00 each.
yes even fishUSA.com-a site sponsor has them for 604 but as you discovered on amazon lots of places sell them for less. again figuring his are standard capt packs.
do these have the auto stops? I cant believe what a set of these cost new. I have 2 with the auto stops and love them. am thinking about adding 2 more. and they are selling for almost 750.00 each on ebay.
if they are standard captains packs they are not near that much the brutes cost about 800 and i think they make a pro plus package. last summer my local tackle shop was selling captain packs for around 500. google some of the bigger outfits like marine general. the bigjon website always lists cost of products for much more than what retailers sell them for. not sure why. not trying to kill a sale just fyi. if they are the plus they may be worth more if they are brutes(dont look like it) then they are worth more than 400 used. contact bigjon with any questions about models and years offered they are very helpful.
should have put this in my last post. for anyone who does not know his website is www.michigansportsman.com lots of info on the spoons the design process etc. also a video of them in action on it somewhere
Would be interesting to see what their action is like at different speeds. My assumption would be they would work best at slower speeds since the plastic material is lighter than metal spoons. Might work well to run on high lines when lake trout fishing with dodgers on riggers and divers.
he designed these to run and catch fish at all speeds
saw them on his website. mr king makes some good tackle that catchs fish. that said any lure first has to catch a fisherman ! i was thinking about trying some i am just the type that buys most of my stuff offline. I always think anything new or very old-something not everyone else is pulling will catch fish. many of theese spoons are copys of his flashers. good luck with them.
line dancin this is a good idea , i thought about suggesting something along the same lines but did not know the cost or his budget.
my only thought is i would not attach the reels to the rod trees. i have not used big boards that much but would think you want the reels and as much of the line as far forward of the rods as possible. i am sure you will get lots of tips and at $800 will end up with a nice fishing machine. though you will probably end up like me and have way more $ into the rigging of an old boat than the purchase price. if you get the chance post some pics as you go along. good luck !
i release a lot of fish on my own boat. when i was a first mate we would occasionly get someone who did not want to keep fish and we had a slot limit that a lot of the lake trout would be over so they all had to go back. lots of them were netted and we found if you sort of torpedoed them back into the water they would swim off verse floating on the surface. dont know how many lived long term but the laws the law. laketrout fishing in the bays has been good enough that i think the majority of them lived.
The guts at install launch are bagged then thrown in a dumpster.
thanks thats how it looked from the website.
Not much fishing planned for Me this Year
in General Discussion
boltman - maybe you can get to the point where you feel good enough to be the captain only. i would rather be setting in the drivers chair watching others bring in fish then home on the couch. if you have a couple friends that can help dock the boat and know how to set lines you are all set. find some kids, seniors, people with not much money etc. and invite them along-sure to be good karma for a speedy recovery. good luck !