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Everything posted by jmohunts

  1. Whoever ends up with the any of these will be happy. I have the same Vectors and they are sweet. Clutches are so smooth and they are quite fast. Good luck with sale. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  2. Exactly what Hockey said, speed of roll is all preference, watch it along side the boat , when you are happy, drop it back.. Good luck Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  3. 24.5# is a beauty. Anything over 20 is Big in my eyes, Won't find any better fight for the size in fresh water. Good going Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  4. Been using for a couple years, where I live, it's 120 miles one way to get herring for meat rigs so I started using these., and glad I did. Black Jack, is my favorite, but Seahawk, Shamrock are close seconds. Been using on Lake Michigan for Kings, and Lake Superior for Mixed bags. Tuna and oil are cheap. Some days it's all I can get a hit on, run mine mostly off My wire dipseys, behind big flasher, sometimes clean, other times with Twinkies in front. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  5. Pm sent, Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  6. jmohunts

    Ohio deer

    Dandy, good shooting! Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  7. Copper has to be run like leadcore, Wire line is for dipseys or bouncing 1# wts on bottom. Two totally different applications. Most people use the wire for dipseys. It really isn't hard to Spool up a reel with Wire. 10 min. Max. No backer needed, 1000 feet 30#wire fits great on size 30 reel. Not sure size on shimanos. No leader needed either, bead(to protect tip and knot) and a good quality swivel. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  8. Love getting those kids out. My youngest son is hooked, just bring lots of snacks, drinks. You would be surprised how good they can follow an existing trail. So video games are good for something. Here is Griffin with his biggest of the summer (and life)
  9. Keep an eye out here and Great Lakes Angler, classifieds or eBay. Good Reels can be found for great prices, I have found many. Only magna ever owned didn't last long, but know people who have used them for years.
  10. The first time the wind kicks up and you find yourself thinking oh Shxt!!!, You will be happy you are in a little bigger boat. I have around 8-9G into mine, with all the goodies, (riggers, air ride seats, electronics, ect) But its paid for and the fish don't care how old it is.
  11. I own a 96 Alumacraft Trophy 18, and can put it in about any body of water there is. Can float it up to shore anywhere. Convert it into a boat to play with the kids, fish crappies/ walleyes/ Salmon in a matter of minutes with tracks for all the goodies. It's more about your trailer when launching in shallow landings. I watch guys with 12' every year having 10 times the trouble I have. I fish Lake Superior, Michigan and many inland lakes and rivers in the same boat, watch weather and you are golden.
  12. Welcome, great place to learn and hear some BS. Ha ha
  13. See now he is finishing the Honey-Do list after he got the new boat. He gets new boat, she gets new kitchen. Love it, Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  14. Are you going to be able to find another that matches the house? Ha ha, Good luck with sale she is a beauty. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  15. Super cool video, watch the last part in 3d, would be like jaws Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  16. I love the old "Pound Her Flounder", that's our name for the boats favorite Spoon. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  17. Even if you installed a soft start, I would never not run snubbers, that soft start won't help chit when you come in contact with the bottom. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  18. Deep fried some tail sections, poor man's lobster with rest. Drained butter with small amount of Cini's porketta seasoning. Hard to find better. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  19. You name it , I have broke it off. Had an eye cracked on my braided dipsey rod once and lost two complete rigs before I figured out what was happening. I have bumped up to 65#. I have added snubbers to my riggers and would suggest you do the same. Way less bounce at the boat too. I love them and they help cushion your riggers/rails, tracks, ect. too. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  20. Fished out of Baraga yesterday, went 6-9, all Lakers, leans all 6# or smaller. Wire diver with meat was #1, taking 5 of 6. Orange/nickel silver streak took other. Most fish 40-65 down in 75-110 ft. Good eats. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  21. Wat's really funny is when you hook up a couple times, then they see you just fine,..... Had 2 big boats following me around last time out, but I don't care when they are behind me, ha ha Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  22. Put a free slider on last WE, 5 Ft. Swivel on lure end, simple snap on other. Not more than a minute later the rod fires. 9.6# steelie. Always worth a try. Always try to toss the spoon away from boat, you will see spoon start wobbling as it goes down. Still get occasional wrap up. Doesn't seem to work well on braided down riggers, but I use mono anyway, but have tried it. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  23. Most of the fishing grounds aren't visible from highway. But I'm sure compared to Downstate its quiet. Weekdays its real nice. Even the busy ports might have 50 boats on a Tourney weekend Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  24. They can see you easier than thought, since they are way higher off the water. If I can see small boats in my small boat then they can see a small boat in their big boat. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
  25. Saturday 15th Manitique Area, Lines in at 0:500, Fished till 1pm. 11 for 14. 8 Kings biggest #16, 3 steelhead biggest 9.6#. Good Spoon bite, Moonshines Flounder Pounders UV, and reg glow, Double trouble, Wonder bread UV, 75-125' back down 40- 50' in 85 -120' H2O Full core - lighted #5 Wonderbread J plug took a couple. F/f, and meat off Wire and Braid divers were quiet. Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
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