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Everything posted by JWheeler

  1. Thanks guys...a few "new" anglers with me last weekend and the gear didn't hold up.....so need to replace a GM rod. I'll take it in and see what they can do.
  2. A gander rod of mine is busted, am I correct that they have a lifetime warranty? Take it back and they'll give me a new one?
  3. Nice Job Chummer. Have a ball in AK... You ever fish where I fished all August this early in the year?
  4. No, certainly did not. However, we did pickup a white bass earlier this spring near Linwood. LOL. Trash fish in Au Gres has been very limited, a few cats, a sheep or two, but mainly walleye....
  5. Nice job on the fish Mike. Sure is nice to have all the great fishing around the state that we do. I'll be up to Au Gres starting next week too, can't wait for the walleye bite to take off up there. Was out on Wednesday up there, covered a lot of water with limited success. Enough fish for a meal, but it wasn't hot n' heavy. The wind has to stop blowing out of the N at some point here and bring on some stable weather....I think....or I mean, I hope......
  6. Must be doing it wrong,,,,,,I have tried this setup several times, and never done squat for me......
  7. It was Friday the 13th....:eek:, those poor walleye didn't have good luck..... Great day on the water. Boat traffic was murder....NOT... Thanks again Scott.
  8. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then..... Just messin' with you buddy. Keep on em, we're all going to need waypoints soon enough......
  9. Never ceases to amaze me the shear stupidity amongst people these days. They're everywhere.
  10. Didn't click, but I figured I "knew who you were", when I seen the decal on your boat.... Sure was a nice day for a boat ride. We got 3 ho's...one on 2 color double orange crush, HJ12 100 back glass purple sunfire, and a 3rd on a small dipsy back 80 with purple spoon. It was work, we threw the kitchen sink at them.
  11. Nice job Chummer.....bet those kings will be slobs by late summer.....
  12. My dipsy program really took off last year, much more success. I think in part due to the lengthening of my leads from the dipsy. We end up hand lininng at the back of the boat too.
  13. Look forward to it Mike Experienced some good fishing on Erie waters on Sunday, and from everything else I've heard and read I'd be willing to bet you get into some pretty good fishing:grin: Good luck
  14. Nice job Grant. Hoping to be over there in 2 weeks.
  15. Looks like you guys are having a great time Mike!
  16. This is how I also "guestimate" the depths of different lengths of 45# copper
  17. Just pulled the boat home. Was messing around on youtube last night. Can't wait to get'r wet. Would rather have the opportunity along with the misses than not to have the action. All part of it
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