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Everything posted by Boltman

  1. Well I can't tell you what is better or now, I can tell you I bought the new Fishhawk and I like the way it looks, I can see a lot of good things comingfrom this Tool, it looks quality built ,I like the way it shuts off with the absense of water, it's a little pricey, but it will be worth it.
  2. My Twin Sump Pumps are turning on every 10 minutes, empting the crocks right down the the sand, as the water poors in from the tubes, and it's not even spring time. Oh I have a 183 year old farm house with 22 inche this Rock wall foundation. And still I get water through the walls into the basement, no matter what we do.
  3. why isn't there a pic of this fish..... Am I hearing a big fish story where the big one got away...
  4. welcome Keith, sounds like you've had some great success....Happy fishing and come back soon, We'll leave the light on for yeah....
  5. Sean is that boat Blue.. and you got it when, I sold my boat to a man in the U.P in 2004, she was called special lady and it looks very much like our old boat and trailer... I can send you pics of our old boat too, but what are the odds of that, that you bought it a summer after I sold our to a man in the UP...???? Hmm she was such a great boat.. let me know.
  6. Well let me see, I plan to give feedback when I can get out on the water, but I'm thinking of putting it in my fishtank, or the bathtub....but the wife is frowning very sternly about the bath tub, seems she doesn't want any "Probe" probing around her new Hottub... "I just don't get it"..... Wher'e the love now........I'll tell ya what I bet I find more then the thermocline in the tub....hLOL:lol:
  7. That's awesome,Glad they fixed them up for you, Hey Love your boat.... We had one just like it,it was Blue and Grey though, We had it for 17 years and loved every minute of it.
  8. Yes It's a good Point....But the best point, is I have the FishHawk.
  9. As everyone knows, from another post, My Iwfe bought me the Fishhawk, God i lOve this Woman.
  10. That's where the 10 year old comes into play as long as we're not in traffic, but in traffic, Hmm it's all up to me and the wife...
  11. Hmm Autopilot.... Now that's what Maryanne is for she pilots the boat, I do also, while we're fishing, she Loves to drivve the boat..... Oh and Mike she is tlling me to tell you guys she's a logical thinker and it didn't make sense to wait any longer, so she just picked it up and bought it, but say I'm still not going to get my Mustang that I want....And NO you cannot borrow her....She's mine and I'm keeping her. I Love My Wife.......Dearly
  12. Isn't this something, she bought me a Fishhawk today the new 4x Fishhawk at that, I told her when we seen it at the show that I wanted to get it in a few months, she took it out of the case and bought it right there, WHAT A WOMAN I HAVE HERE, plus she bought 10 more spoons,Some New Stingers and new Dream Weavers Man I'm Stooked. Thought I'd just let you all know that little Diddy... Robert
  13. Yes I know the probe is to eliminate unproductive water, I will ask on the radio where the temp break is, I already know many people in TC so I can talk with them. As for West Michigan...I know a few people over there Like Captain Willis from Thunderduck charters... and in Ludington I know a few people also... I just knew therehad to be people fishing with probes...And Thanks Guys for being so utterly honest with me, there's nothing like this bunch of friends I've found in this site...My Chart plotter didn't not come with the sonar boiult in, I have to buy the Airmar element and DCS 300 box and hook it up myself.. no sweat just another 1000.00, just s the word BOAT stand for.....( Bring On Another Thousand)
  14. I'm going to the Flint Steel Headers Show tomorrow, going to pick up a fe more dipsey's , thinking abut snagging some Blacks Releases, think I' like a few of them in my arsenal... I don't know guys I don't think I'm going to get the Fishhawk probe,does anyone think I can salmon Fish successfully without one, I mean what did they do before they had probe's???? If I come into some money first, then I will get one, but what do you all think? I want one really Bad though, but will wait..... think I need more items ????
  15. Yes Paul Harvey News and Comment, was a great Radio show, I listen to it many days on the raod.... I'd program my stereo to follow the radio stations out to you guys in Western michigan..... The Rest of the story has eyt to come, beware we will pay for this lovely weather.... we will pay.....I would not un-winterize any boats.... unless your into replacing engines.
  16. I took a loosie on Ludington's ice, it's out but some is still at the boat Docks in Harbor View... Oh Man it looks so cold out there, from the camera's view.. I'll think I'll wait a few more weeks or so.
  17. Great to hear Big Jon steps up when the going gets a little tough.
  18. ok I see now, Hmmmm Lets give thanks men....
  19. I went to Gander Mountain yesterday, though very sick... I studied the Rod and reel specs for each rod, I was looking at a light line rod 8'6 15-20lbs line application. I wasn't even getting excited about my trip to Gander Mountain, because I have a lousy freakin cold...from my grand kids... imagine that.. I was looking at a Shimano Rod, with an Okuma 30d reel. I was also dream biulding as well........ it's always nice.
  20. I had a boat just like yours, it was great....24 foot sorrento... Called Specail Lady...

    Do you enjoy yours?

  21. Remember boys this is Michigan, we've had some of our worst snow storms in March and April for that matter... Be patient...
  22. Well, I'd love to check my rods, but they are 20 miles away in my boat, and it makes me want to cry....but I am going to heed your advice Jim and take a looksie when I pick up the boat April 1st.......GOD that seems so far away..
  23. I will most likely be purchsing more rods in the late future, but not this year, unless I can get a great deal on them. I had them but traded them in on my new Wire line rods...although i know they had 25lb test on them, not that light if you ask me..they were as I recall Diawa 30d's reels, can't tell the rods though.
  24. Wow I'm so glad you mention that I don't need the Light line setup....man I was beginning to think that if I didn't have a light line setup that I wasn't going to get a bite at all...Dan Keating makes it sound so convincing too, but I'm apt to believe that the right fly flasher combo and spoon combo is going to bring them in to the boat...I'm not going out to purchase any light lines rods or reels for that matter, I have to use wha tI now have and put the big ones in the freezer. "The Boss" has set a qouta for me at like 28 fish..man the pressure is on now for sure... but I think I can do it, once I buy the fishfinder and probe...
  25. not a bad price either on the Fishhawk x4.....
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