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Killin' It

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Everything posted by Killin' It

  1. 18' Lowe here... been out to 275 last summer 210 this spring.... watch the weather and have a network of boats ect. I also have a main and kicker.
  2. Fishy, Long copper, is the way on my boat..... I want the rods as far out and away from the boat as possible. They seem to take more hits. It does suck brining up a shaker on the 350, but come 10 am and the sun is high... the long lines seem to keep working. I have tried the shorter lines with DB, torpedos ect and needless to say I have the torpedo away and I run DB from time to time to fish 100 plus. In saying that there is no right way to do it. We all do things a bit differnt that is what makes it half the fun.
  3. I am changing mine up a bit this year..... Port 300 45 pound 300 32 pound 200 32 pound Starboard 350 32 pound 250 32 pound 5 color/3 color (depending on water temp up high) 2 riggers 2 divers I change will run 1 diver 2 riggers or 1 rigger 2 divers depending on condidtions and what has been firing. If the divers are dead I have extra lead for the top 20 feet and I can run 2 extra 1-4 colors on the boards way out to the sides. If I want to fish real deep, bust out the DB on the inside copper!
  4. Dennis, I may have an open seat over the course of the next week if you want to go offshore. There are still fish inside 60 feet that can be long linned. at least out of holland and SH
  5. I like fixed sliders vs free sliders... 10 feet above the main spoon.... Just personal prefrance...
  6. Thanks all.... Ken, I would say the Big Al's has 1/10th the pull of a normal flasher. With the copper you can barley tell its on there because of the weight of the copper. On the rigger...... its a bit more because you do not have the weight of the copper. I would much rather keep fishing big als on the copper than a paddle or a spinnie. I hope this bite keeps up.
  7. I run them in my set up for coho and active kings/coho. I run the flasher then a Flasher snap with a 10-14 foot floro leader and then then spoon. Port side 350 copper 250 copper diver rigger Starboard 300 copper 200 copper 5 color rigger diver
  8. All 4 spoons posted are big lake lures. The Fly is Blue Water Flies, which is owned by BLL.
  9. 220 for coho from what I heard, I marked some stuff in that 180 range up top, but nothing would fire. I was also more focused on kings
  10. Well I learned my lesson, I should have sticked with my plan that the N blow brought the bigger fish in close..... It did!! Fished from 645 till 11 am and went 7-9 5 kings 1 coho 1 laker With the loss of a 10-15 pounder 30 feet off the back of the boat. I took advantage of the flat water and ran out to 170 and trolled a 300-330 troll all the way to 215 with a coho and a small dink king. Made the turn to a SE troll and the diver start slamming, it was hitting so hard I could not get it out of the rod holder. After that the next 20 minutes consist of me watching the fish swim back and forth 450 feet away from the boat. Nutral it is.... I would gain 20 feet, put it back in gear and rinse and repeat. After a fun episode with the 12 foot leader on the diver and 4-5 feet from spinnie to the end of the teaser rig a nice king was in the boat. We turned the boat east and the fish turned on as we worked our way in from 150 to 100. 100-120 had alot of fish ( All on the bottom, thinking lakers) 135 -145 marked alot of fish (Suspended) 165-180 We marked alot of fish early, but the second time through they had moved. What worked: BLL Blue Kato 350 copper (3 fish) BLL Black/Purple 300 copper ( 1 fish) BLL Stary night 110 down on the rigger (3 fish) BLL Mag Blue Dolphin behind a fish flash on the 250 copper (1 fish) BLL meatless teaser rig w double UV clear SD 300 back Mag Dispey (1 fish) Fish= hits btw;)
  11. # 2 owners seemed to work well for me last year.
  12. I have no shame in running in someones prop wash to save me some abuse on the way out.
  13. Ben, We didn't need any more people, I couldnt keep the rods in the water. lol.
  14. I will share my .02 on this subject. Gobies have become a staple of the laker diet. I belive the lakers and browns (walleye as well) Will flurish because of the gobies on the bottom. EVERY brown and laker we caugh this year was PACKED full of shiners alwife, perch and Gobys some as big as 9 inches. I know the question everyone askes is how far out do the gobies go..... I know without a doubt they go out to 60 FOW in some places as we have caught them perch fishing on structure. This is a statement based on fishing out of Holland and I am unsure about other ports. Should you run something that looks like a Goby, I did all spring and it works. Does it work any better or any worse than anything else... sometimes... DW SS goby spoon on the bottom for lakers was good last year and so was Styrker by flinstone. Each had their days. As I am sure we all know we give them what they want ( or at least try) It is not going to hurt aything to put it down and see what happens. One of my best 6 rod set ups last year for lakers went something like this. 80- 100 FOW Everything withing 15 feet of the bottom Rigger Silver Streak Mag Lemon Ice Fixed slider 10' up DW SS Lemon Ice cicle Rigger Silver Streak Mag Lemon Ice Fixed slider 10' up with the DW SS Goby Diver Silver tin can with a Blue water fly teaser rig mtdew or green and white White tin can with glow tape on the back and a green and yellow spin glow. I would run the 300 and 250 copper to just have 2 extra lines out with BLL Patirot and Green/yellow frozen frog. Maybe yellow looks brown to a fish that far down I don't know.
  15. Some pictures from the night What you do not see in the first picture is 2 other guys fighting fish. I was going to try and get a kick but triple header picture, but the rigger started pounding and Ben DOVE across the dog house to get it. Quads BABY!! at this point I put the camera away to help direct traffic and net fish. Great night on the water!!! I really enjoy watching people catch fish!!! I think Ben and I only reeled in 1 fish each as we tried to clear lines and happend to have a coho on them.
  16. I did not want to reel in fish last night so I played net boy. I could not keep the rods in the water. I tried to put Patriot down 5 times before and ever time another rod would go off. Nature of the good beast!
  17. I will post pictures of the set ups from this weekend after easter dinner.
  18. I had my own water to fish Jimmy, I just used your boat to break waves!! Nice Job this morning.... I ran the back of Bens boat tonight and we went 20-30 something, with some nice kings. He can post that when he has time.
  19. Fished out in the boonies again today:( We managed to finish our limit and be 17 for 24. We threw the last 2 back as we took a quazy triple at the end. 175-205 was the best. We started the day with a blast, set down and had 5 fish in the box in 7 minutes. We stayed with that SW troll until it dried up and had 10. After that we hit a HUGE dry spell. We managed to dink one here and there till 11 and made a minor change in our trolling direction and picked up the last few fish. What worked Rigger at 150 W/ prisim Fish Flash with and BLL Mag Blue Green Dolphin (5 hits) Rigger at 100 W/ a disco FishFlash and a BLL green Kato (5 hits) 250 Copper W/ a prisim Fish Flash and BLL Mag blue green dolphin (4 hits) Diver back 167 W/ a prisim Fish Flash and BLL Bloody Nose ( 4 hits) Diver back 120 W/ BLL bloody nose(3 hits) Rigger at 100 W/ prisim Fish Flash Silver Streak Frozen Fruit standard (1 hit) 2 color Super slim Green Dolphin (1 hit) 1 color Lemon Berry Silver streak mini (1 hit) All in All a great day!!
  20. Aarrons in Saugy does not have any more, I bought them all.
  21. Disco tape or Silver prizem run spoons.... 10-14 feet in back of flasher.
  22. Started late this morning as it was WAY to cold!! Hit the water with Luremaker and ran the boat west to 135 and set down on a west troll. We trolled from there out to 200 and back on a SW troll and then back on a NE. 15 or 17-22 kept 10 and released small shakers. What worked Big Al's flasher with a BLL Green Kato down 100 (8 times) Big Al's flasher with a SS mag Blue/Green dolphin down 150 (6 times) Lemon berry SS 250 copper (4 hits) Pink Panties BLL 350 copper (1 hit) Bloody Nose BLL 120 back on 2 on a diver (1 hit) Double Trouble BLL on a 200 copper (1 hit) Lemon Berry SS mini on a 5 color (1 hit) SW troll seemed to work best 2.5-2.7 SOG Water temp was 39 Trolled all the way to Douglas point!! A buddy fished inside and ended up 8-11 with 4 biger lakers and 4 smaller fish. His bests were Blue/Green Dolphin and Lemon ice Mag All his fish came no more than 10 feet off the Bottom. All in all a great day! Ended up with 4 kings in the box around 5 pounds and the rest were smaller coho. All the bigger fish came from the rigger down 150. Dave
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