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Killin' It

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Everything posted by Killin' It

  1. DD, I am only changing what didnt work last year:) Bring on the copper!!!
  2. 1 rigger 2 divers 6 copper or... 1 rigger 8 copper BR super copper from 100 all the way to 350 with a 4 oz dive bomb
  3. Michigan stinger SS (smallest size) in Mixed veggie BLL Patirot BLL Blue veggie BLL teaser rigs when the flys turn on.
  4. The tail abuse from the 3 fish on the floor counts for something.
  5. Cool info, Green dolphin has glow tape on it though..
  6. Woot!!! I know it was not me then, I was thinking it was during COHO day when all 6 rods had a fish on and we couldnt do anything but laugh lol
  7. "rigger rigger rigger" "Get the hell out of the way" "350 again"
  8. I might have to try that... a 12 inch worm on the rigger 100 feet down
  9. So... I know I have posted a few times about the lack of hits, ect on my riggers last year. I am going to run 3 boards a side with 2 divers and 1 rigger (Unless fishing for trout) In saying that, Does anyone ever get board and just put something goofy down on the rigger. Things I thought about trying..... Little Cleo KO wobbler J-13 firetiger possible behind a tin can or something. Brads cut plug This really isnt goofy, but I was honestly thinking about keeping one down the rigger 100% of the time. They catch fish. OR Just run a white SD with a green fly and never change it!!
  10. Planner board lights Anyone use them last year? I was thinking of picking up a set, but ran out of time or money. Just wondering if they would the cost
  11. I agree with Don, 32 pound seems much easier to work with. I have 350 300 250 200 and then run 5 color and 3 color over top of that and it covers from 15 all the way to 70 feet down.. Buy a couple Dive bombs and you can reach 100 feet down. Anything past that and this guy does not need to fish them.
  12. I went through and cleaned a bunch of gear out of the basement!! Meat rigs Spoons SD Paddles Boards (not sure where they came from) Penn 309 reels Ugly stick rods... Torpido divers Body baits the list will continue to grow Saturday night when I go back to work in the basement
  13. will do Larry.... We need to sit down and enjoy a beer soon:)
  14. The rivers have been full of fish, I would assume the area you are talking about has plants and if so... the fish should be there.
  15. Stopped at Gander on 44th and found they had 3 custom made moonshines that are only for GM stores... Just figued yall would want to know.
  16. I started fishing them this year as well and caught enough lakers to keep it interesting on a slow day. White dodger/glow tape on the back with a green/yellow spin glow was the best.
  17. Most of the spots on Public acess are choked with weeds and unfishable. The SE side of the lake has a sand bottom and the area I would like to be able to fish.
  18. Does anyone know someone that has a place on Austin lake. I am trying to get permison to fish this lake from the bank for carp in the spring. The lake has been home to some of the biggest carp caught in michigan and I am looking to land a 40+ pound fish this spring. If you have any leads or could put in a great word for me it would mean alot. All fishing is catch and release I can trade: Labor Salmon/steelhead or trout fillet Fishing trips on the big lake My wife's good cooking I know it is a shot in the dark, but the next step is going door to door. Dave
  19. I will take the pictures this week. I stripped the war machine of her gear.
  20. I will get pictures soon:) Lions game is on.
  21. If your just starting out I would go 2 divers and 4 core or copper.... Way more usfull than riggers most of the time. (IMO) Cheeper then buying riggers too. If you would like to take a trip an see the options your always welcome to fish on Scooby Snacks. (She is still in the garage if a wekeend in the near future works)
  22. I have a 17.5 Lowe My set up last summer was 2 riggers 2 walker deeper divers (105's and 124's) I use the bigger ones for fishing on the bottom for lakers in June and 6 copper/lead BY FAR... the long lines caught me the most fish. I am going to change my spread this year to the following 1 rigger 2 divers 7 boards You no not need alot of differnt long lines to be effective. a 300 copper and 200 copper will cover most everything you need with a handfull of dive bombs. 5 color of core is always nice to have around too:)
  23. Get the Xtra long shaft.. if its choppy it helps keep the boat going.
  24. Thanks Frank. I am def done for the year as I am about to rip the carpet up in the boat and lay down water proof no slip vynal (Thanks for the tip Terry). I am also starting class again on Monday. I realized that I have only been carp fishing 10 times this year. I normally get out once a week. As they put the fall feed bag on I might be able to catch a 40 pound fish:) (Don't knock it till you try it)
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