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Posts posted by Gnarf

  1. Beautiful night on the water. can't get much better weather.

    Fished from 5pm to 9pm. Worked 130-140 FOW.

    Ended up 3 for 3 all nice kings. 16 lbs, 13lbs, 12 lbs

    First fish came on mag dipsy set 1.5 back 240' with a mag NK blue dolphin

    Next fish came on 300' 32lb copper with a BLL green/yellow frozed toad

    and last fish came on 300' 45lb copper with a mag blue chilly willy

  2. Left dock around 430 and ran to the south end of the sliders in 80FOW and headed WNW.

    Surface was mid 50's in 80 and began to chill after 120 or so.

    In 185FOW Took a coho off a flatline set back 50 with a brads thin fish orange and black.

    That was the only hit.

    Went all the way out to 210 and turned back east. Didnt mark a single fish the whole time.

    Ended up pullin rods around 180 and once we got them all in i looked at graph.

    It was loaded with fish in 175FOW just south of holland. Go figure.:rolleyes:

    Either way i beat that damn skunk again and it was great to be out.

    I think im going back to morning trips till summer comes around.

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