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Everything posted by BenLubbs

  1. Sorry, everything I had left was sold at the swap meet a few weeks ago.
  2. I don't know about the Gulf side, but when I've been down in Florida around Christmas a few years back (on the Atlantic side), surf fishing from the public beaches was awesome. Getting into a school of bluefish is some of the fastest, fun action you will get.
  3. The Okuma GLTs wouldn't have enough backbone for divers (at least for the mag's i run). Just curious, why are you looking at the GLT's?
  4. I like blues and whites and greens/chrome/orange. I have mostly Spindoctors and Protrol/stinger type flashers.
  5. Sounds awesome, I intended to make it out but didn't. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
  6. Personally the only copper rod I have is a 300' 45# Bloodrun, all my other long lines are lead. I don't have too many problems with it, but if you aren't careful when you are first letting it out, you can end up with some big birdsnests. I have also used 32# bloodrun, and have caught plenty of fish on it and it is easier to use. If I was in your position, I would just use what you have because there are plenty of people that have proven it catches fish.
  7. Wait, I though you bought a boat Tony
  8. Welcome to the site! You will learn a lot here.
  9. You could probably fit 150ft of copper on there with braid backing, the real question is will it be fun to real in. At one point I was using Penn 209's for full cores with 30lb fireline backing, but when the end diameter of your spool is that small, it takes forever to reel a fish in. Not to mention, if he makes a run for the boat, good luck catching up.
  10. I believe the knives are actually made by Victorinox, the same company that makes "swiss army' knives
  11. Thanks for setting this up again Tim. I ended up taking home a couple of 30D convectors, a bunch of spoons and a few spindoctors but sold almost everything I came with so I'm more than happy. Also great to see everyone I don't get to see during the off season.
  12. I like the setup Jim, way better than trying to hold a spool on a pencil with your feet while you try to reel
  13. If Ken can't find his, I have a couple also, though one got bent at one point and then bent back strait (by a previous owner).
  14. I'll be there Tim. I don't have a table, but assuming nothing comes up I can plan on helping clean up afterward if you still need people.
  15. You guys sold me, a new kit is on the way to my house right now
  16. Hey Don, would you be able to do a "how to" on installing that ignition system? I consider myself a fairly good mechanic, but I work primarily on newer engines and so haven't ever done an install.
  17. Mark, My boxes all start out like yours at the begging of the year, but by the end it's a jumble.
  18. Larry, My alternator is fine, I was giving a response to the OP's second question. John's is great though, I've been there for batteries on several occasions.
  19. I gave my best setups of last year in this thread http://www.greatlakesfisherman.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25104
  20. I've got a 74 slickcraft with the same motor. To me it does sound like your alternator is shot. I run the same setup and have no issues. When the motor is running I run about 13.4V from the alternator.
  21. I normally run a 7 or 5 color next to my 300 copper.
  22. I've run both types (leadcore/copper and plannerboard) with boards and not had any problems. I currently had Shimano TDR's, Traverse Bay Tackle, and Okuma GLT copper rods on my boat. I would say that the Shimano's have the most back bone and are the funnest to fight fish on. The Traverse Bay's have the least back bone but are easy for noobies (or 10 year old brothers) to handle.
  23. I knew me and Dave should have taken the tin can out saturday.
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