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Everything posted by jimcr

  1. with them moving out deep we need some stable weather so I can get out there. just been too windy lately
  2. Nice fish, I have one of those new phones also , I find it a large PITA . but you can do some great things with them , nice Job.
  3. Just received a package yesterday , can't wait to put them in the water.
  4. Looks like a cold morning up in Gods Country
  5. Who the reporters asking this? what idiot in there right mind would ask that, my guess is the same type of person that doesn't want us to drill for oil or want another pipeline up in Alaska.
  6. If my memory serves me correct the boys at the south end were getting the coho in the beginning of march. and were just slaughtering them. Limiting out in just under an hour. Last year I can't remember seeing any coho this early, much less right out side the break wall.
  7. I agree with Tom , check your cable and connector. Make sure that there is no connection between the shielding wire and the antenna wire. It may not even be your cable or connector it could be the coil in the antenna base. You say its a new antenna , is it the correct antenna, VHF. Not the same as a cb radio. different band. When you say crimp type it sounds like you have the wrong type for the radio. Most connectors that I have seen screw together and require a small amount of solider on the tip. If you could post a picture it might help with the connector.
  8. Hey guys , Just bought a set of Great lakes triple rod trees, and i was wondering if you guys could post pictures of your trees , Not sure where i am going to mount them yet. Figured a few pictures may help me deiced where to put them . Mainly should I put them in front of or behind my windshield? here is a couple shots of my boat. Thanks Jim
  9. So when you coming to fish in Milwaukee.
  10. nice , seems to be quite a few large kings early this year.
  11. One nice hall of fish there Russ, we need the winds to lay down some. I'm getting tired of fishing sideways.
  12. holy cow. now thats a boat ! you going to get a dingy?
  13. Had the company of my Wife Janice on Friday , was cold and blowning again but we still managed 2 fish . A coho for her and My 1st brown of the season. Need to warm up some here. Sunday wanted to get out earlier then we did but we still got fish. Fished right out front again with my son Nick , went 2 for 3 in about an hour and a half. one lost at the back of the boat off the ladder. It was a bonus fish that we didn't know we had.had a lot of draggers this year. 1st king of the season , 19lb monster. Used the planer board as a bobber ,and almost refused to come to the boat . But I won the contest this time. Wind picked up even more so called it a day early .
  14. sweet, be nice once the kings start biting here.WTG
  15. Palomar knot, the strongest knot. I would check your line if you breaking it. Always check for abrasion on your line and change it if its frayed at all. 119 fish last year not one line broke. Old line can go bad.
  16. check out some of Eric's videos here. http://www.youtube.com/user/wibigfishcom
  17. been broken off with 12 , and spooled. I don't think they make a reel that would hold enough line to use 6lb test. as your not going to have any control.
  18. This is the way I first started fishing Lake Michigan. You talk about fun! 17lb test line a spinning real and a 18 to 20 lb king on the end of the line. Fighting a fish for what seems like a half hour. just when you think you got um in they take off again. Eric Haataja Does this a lot . Right in the gaps of the break wall. Its a blast.
  19. they said there was some debris in the carb, like fine sand. Dont' know if I bought the motor that way or picked it up in the gas. Also said that it could have been left from when they test them at the factory. It was a brand new 08 motor . In the crate. Runs fine now. Apparently these kickers are very susceptible to dirt and bad gas because the jets in the carbs are so small.
  20. The flowers are starting to rot , the ground iis so wet
  21. nice , what was the little girl holding in her hand bait? She looks like she enjoys being in the boat.
  22. if you know of some good areas that would hold coho, i would stay in Milwaukee. But if it turns out to be hit and miss you may be better off there. Weather is suppose to be good tomorrow, and we celebrated Easter at the inlaws this afternoon. So I may go out tomorrow. I will let you know how I did if I go out.
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