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Everything posted by numberguy77

  1. Glad you found a couple and thanks for the Muskegon report.
  2. Anyone make it out of Muskegon Friday night or Saturday morning and have anything to report? Thinking of going out later today if the wind cooperates. Thanks.
  3. Thank you for the replies. My son and I managed to make it out last night and avoided the white striped kitty by going 1 for 1. Landed a 7# male king in 86' on a Shelly Snack glow spoon 55' down on the rigger. Marked quite a few fish between 80-120, but that was the only one that liked what we had to offer. Seemed like some guys were picking them up here and there on the radio.
  4. Anyone make it out of Muskegon last night or this morning and are willing to share any info? Friday night and Saturday morning looks to be a bit bumpy and rainy and I'm going to try to get out tonight. Haven't been out of Muskegon in over two weeks. Thanks for any info.
  5. Just wondering if there is an update to this post and if the unmarked net was found and removed. Plan to fish Muskegon this weekend. Thanks.
  6. I don't think you were the only skunk out there today. I'm a memeBer of that club also today. And, I think there were many others... Two releases, but, by the time I got to the rod they were gone. 140 green wiggle wart body bait on 3 color (I was trying everything...) 164 orange crush spoon 64' down on the rigger And, yes, with the fog, and fishing solo, it took me a while to get out that deep, as well. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Fish on!
  7. Any details dude? Port, depth of water, lures, etc. This is the fishing "reports" section and not the picture gallery, isn't it?
  8. Sorry bro, but you have the worst posts in the history of posts...
  9. Nice steelhead. That's a master angler award fish. Thanks for the report.
  10. Sounded pretty much like a slow morning for most. I managed to net a 6# male king in 51 fow on an Easter egg glow spoon about 8:30 am and that was it. I was a touch north of the Muskegon pier heads. Had lots of marks 70' and shallower but could only get that 1 to go.
  11. Good job. That is a pig of a steelie. I think 17# is a master angler award for steelhead.
  12. I'm might try to sneak out of work a little early tomorrow so I can hit it tomorrow night, too. Haven't been out in a week, myself, but heard a report from a friend that they went 4 for 5 Sunday night in the Muskegon channel and out between the arms to 30 fow. 4 hogs, too. Nothing on plugs. Flasher/fly was the ticket for them on that night. Not sure I'll be out, but give numberguy a shout on 68 if you want to. I'd like to be out after 4 since it gets dark so darn early now.
  13. Running boards in combat fishing in Muskegon wouldn't gain you many friends!
  14. Great job on the fish and thanks for the Muskegon report. I love to take newbies out and get them on fish
  15. Manistee is a great port with great facilities. They go all out to accommodate fishermen there.
  16. I've always gone by the "rule of 100". If if have your rigger ball 50' down, put the lure 50' back. 30' down; lure 70' back. (50 + 50 = 100; 30 + 70= 100). I think you get the idea...
  17. Good catch and thanks for one of the more humorous posts I've seen on here in a while. Welcome to the site, too.
  18. Yes, I heard the idiot ranting and raving and using every 4 letter word out there. Had my son with me, who is 25, so, not a big deal there, but it was annoying. So, I don't think it had anything to do with jiggers, or perchers, or combat fishing. Just some a$$ trying to grab a little attention. Oh, and we managed to boat a nice 23# king in 106 fow on a mandarin minnow spoon, 50' down off the rigger in only about 2 hours of fishing from 6-8.
  19. Went 1 for 1 on a pretty slow night for most boats according to radio chatter. Picked up a 7# king on a blue/chrome j-plug on an swr 65' down in 99 fow south of the Muskegon channel. Beautiful night on the big pond.
  20. Who says you can't catch fish in the middle of the afternoon? Took the wife out for a cruise that turned in to a fishing trip and went 2 for 2 picking up a 18# & 17# king in 106 & 99fow both on a blue/chrome jplug on a swr 65' down. Both good fighters. Beautiful afternoon. I can sleep in tomorrow.
  21. Good job. That's a master angler coho. When you find fish, they seem to be running bigger this year.
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