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Line Dancin

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Posts posted by Line Dancin

  1. the 250 on the lowrance HDS is broadband not analog like what you are seeing on some of the other units like the HBird. i dont remember what it translates to in analog, but you cant compare apples to oranges. they are totally different animals. With my hds i can tell the difference in bottom composition hard to soft in 200ft and no problem marking bait. Can see fish laying on the bottom in 350ft. I also agree with the better transducer i have an 83 khz for lake erie walleye fishing and a 50 khz for deep water fishing.

  2. If I google "salty balls", is something going to come up that I don't want to see?:eek: I guess I'll look later at home, oh wait the wife is there. What is a "salty ball" thanks!

    When i get home i will post a pic. The 151/2 lb were(last summer) 60 each and he says it is about 15 for shipping 2 in a flat rate box.

  3. Not sure if they will be at the booth or not. The group that runs that show for MUCC is Oakland county sportsman's club and I know they have the petitions. My Dad has a bunch also but again not sure if we will have them at the show.

    From what I understand we will have the petition at the MUCC booth stop by and sign to protect your right to hunt and fish.

  4. Dr. Hook, I can understand why you feel it appears naive and unfocused but based on how Michigan law is written, the reason for adding the Asian carp appropriation and benefits for active duty military was well thought out and strategic.

    Not many people, especially in the LP, have much interest in hunting wolves. I know I have no desire or intentions to hunt wolves. If wolves were here in south central MI, I'm sure I'd feel differently and perhaps pursue them. I bet many in the LP feel the same way. If this was solely about the wolf hunt, not sure this initiative would get much interest from most MI residents who don't live in wolf country. That is what the anti's are counting on. Once they get their proposal to stop the wolf hunt on the ballot, they'll dump in loads of money for inaccurate TV and radio ads and most likely convince the non-hunting public and sportsman who don't care to vote to stop it. This was the model they used to stop the dove hunt and other successful campaigns in other states where they got trapping and hunting methods banned. They are counting on hunters and anglers not being united to oppose them. By adding the benefits for active duty military in our initiative, it will help get more signatures from people who really don't care about wolves, hunting or fishing. I know a number of people who aren’t hunters or anglers that I collected signature from signed it for this reason.

    Based on Michigan law, by adding in the appropriation for a rapid response to Asian carp, the stops the anti's from launching ballot drives to prohibit any type of hunting or fishing approved by the NRC or Legislature. This is the real key part of this whole campaign. It not only protects the wolf hunt, it protects all the hunting and fishing activities we enjoy. I know Dan was concerned on taking away voting rights but I don't see any negative impacts to anglers or hunters over this. The representatives we vote for in our legislature can change this law at any time. There have not been any sportsman’s ballot initiatives in the last 50 years that this law would curtail.

    The main benefit from this law is that it will stop animal rights groups from attacking hunting and fishing at the ballot box. Keep in mind, hunters and anglers are a minority in this state. If this is successful, we block HSUS and PETA from winning in Michigan ever again. I hope people can see the big picture that this is not just about wolf hunting.

    Ed is entirely right. I was at a MUCC board meeting and they were discussing this. If you think HSUS is only after the wolf hunt you are sadly mistaken. They are putting 50,000 dollars into tv and radio ads to not just stop the wolf hunt but other hunts as well. Plus they have over 200,000 that they are using against the state of michigan outdoorsman. All the money that has been put up from this is based from an organization not located within this state. Why should a group out of this state have a say in what i do. This will protect us from these outside organizations and needs to be passed or they wont stop till all hunting and fishing is stopped.

  5. I'm impressed that you have a Walmart that actually carries salmon trolling equipment. Lansing has 3 Walmarts and I don't think they have a viable bass or walleye reel in stock at any of them, let alone that you have a choice of models. :)

    They have them on the website and ship to the store with no shipping. They actually have quite bit of stuff online that you would never see in their stores.

  6. I am looking at getting four new reels for my riggers. Walmart has convectors for 71 and cold waters for 79 I have about 26 convectors. Whats your thoughts on the coldwaters? Would I be better off with the coldwaters over the convectors for 8 bucks more piece.

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