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  1. Past hour
  2. 4/4 10color- rv flounder pounder mag. 6# king 350 copper - rv 5 eyes mag. 12# steelie Wire Diver 100 out - magic man meat rig. 7# king Rigger 70 down- raspberry carbon mag. Shaker king All four hits in 80fow just before and after sundown. 2.5 at the ball
  3. Yesterday
  4. 3 for 3; all in 195-200’; just little north of piers; 25.2 lat. Dink coho on 5 color on silver spoon with pink around edges; 8 lb king on 200 on gold rasta goose; small steelie on mini jager bomb. No other hits. Speed was yaual 2.5 - 3.2 Gorgeous day out there
  5. If I were you I’d locate an electrical or automotive rebuilding shop nearby. They may be able to repair your motor. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  6. They are not a parts supplier or vendor. Therefore I’d look around and see if you can find a replacement motor. They are an electronic repair service primarily for circuit boards. If you can’t find an applicable motor and wish to part it out I’d suggest looking on eBay they now have a listing there and maybe willing to purchase the boards. Don’t know for sure as I’m a satisfied customer trying to help others in need. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  7. No local resources near me, where are they located? We have a local Cannon service shop and they cant get new motors. Got a name? Planning to drop a couple grand for new riggers so shipping may not be cost prohibitive.
  8. They are more than capable to provide the service but as a cost factor being shipping I would advise locating a local or nearby provider. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  9. Last week
  10. I’ve found a repair service for the discontinued Digitroll 4 control boards a few years back. Many have been pleasantly pleased with service. Now I see the repair service has listed on eBay. If you’ve have a problem with the board he can make it right. Tight lines!!! Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  11. Might be tough getting some feedback on this subject. That has to be an extremely rare fishing destination. Sounds like a fun trip but I know a lot of angler and don't know anyone who has fished there.
  12. Hey, I’m trying to book a big fly fishing trip (thank you tax return) and I’ve got my eye on SLOVENIA! Has anyone fished there? I’m looking primarily in the Tolmin region - the rivers look incredible and I saw a “Marble Trout” somewhere online that looks like an amazing species. I came across flyfishing guide service Slovenia, which is where I’ve seen most of my information… does anyone have any tips or suggestions for this area?
  13. Awesome fishing. We are heading to Bolles in 2 weeks. Can’t wait. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  14. Got out finally yesterday. Ran down to Duluth in the dirty water picked up a few Lakers using a multicolor rapala. Got blown off around 1ish. Had a good day.
  15. We fished out of Bolles Harbor both days. There were a lot of boats fishing north of the dumping grounds and just inside the Ohio line. We kept going into Ohio waters by the Toledo shipping channel north of the Toledo light. There were no boats fishing around us both days. We had our first fish setting lines and had a steady bite. We fished the same area both days and got our limit of 18 both days. We started Saturday with spoons on diver disc's on one side and crank baits on the other side. They wanted spoons so we switched everything over to them. Saturday was overcast with patchy fog and 60 ft leads were best. Sunday was clear and sunny and we had a slow start until we extended our leads to 80 ft and the bite realy got going. Good luck!
  16. Earlier
  17. Hello,everyone! Looks like a great forum.Looking forward to discussions and I hope to contribute at some level.
  18. Fished solo out of PS Thursday mid afternoon. Went 2/3 all between 110-130. 2 bites on mag MS 5 eyes 70 down on a free slider and 1 on caramel dolphin on 250 CU. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  19. It's 2 reports, and sharing a very useful piece of fishing equipment.
  20. Definitely North, I would say Frankfort is your best bet Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  21. If you are looking for kings, I would go north from Grand Haven to Frankfort
  22. Have not heard much from the south end of the lake. If you had to pick one for this weekend would it be st Joe or s Haven. Would love to find some kings!
  23. Here's the information from our first couple trips in May, slow start but the yager bomb spoon has been a top producer! Pick up your version of the fishing log here The Salmon Fishing log: A Comprehensive Fishing Journal for Recording Catch, Location, Weather Data, and More https://a.co/d/67wyDWw
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