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Rolled my oldest out of bed and met a buddy at the launch at 5:40 or so, no fog, which was great. Rolled down towards Saugy and set up in 25'.

Third rod in, rigger goes off, fish runs across and collects everything, busts at the surface and is gone.

So, pull the mess in and start over. Looked to be about an 8# king, blue dolphin DW back 20 pulls down 20'.

Get set up, feeling really bad from a rough week and no sleep, but the 3 color rod seems to be acting funny. Point it out to George, he grabs in, soon we put an 8# king in the box. Moonshine Double Trouble Mag. Better.

I'm in the stern and he points out a tap on the slide diver, pick it up, bigger fish than a tap, 9# king soon in the box. Mixed veggies glow edge nailer.

Then the tournament boats came out and set up right on top of us, Unreel setting his boards within 10' of ours. F that, pull them and head for the surf.

Don't even get lines set in there, my girl being the planer board line feeding out champ, and the shore side birds takes off. Hand it to her, a couple minutes later a ratty spawned out hen steelie comes over the back, and then after a picture gets put back in the lake.

Took a couple shots across the piers at Saugy, lots of marks, ended up missing and losing two small browns in there.

If we could have kept them all stuck, we would have had a pretty killer box on a tough day. As was, I was blessed to spend time with a good friend and a great daughter. Then I went home and slept from 1-9pm, woke up in the dark and had to wonder if the rapture had really happened.

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