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Everything posted by Boltman

  1. I'm trying Jim, but the more I lift.... the more time I get on the couch, went out to get wood for the wood burner today, man did I pay for that trip....and I have a full scedule for monday, so I have to get better, and the Lil Woman wants me to get better so we can...... ah you know...Lifes A FEESH...
  2. Home Stuck on the couch with a pulled groin muscle, from actaully doing what I've done for 4 years just working on my parts, but must have lifted a box wrong... Damn this sucks I'm going stir crasy...But online looking at bigger boats.. a 48 foot sedan bridge Sea Ray... asking the friends I have on another site..."Can yeah get those big boats to troll, because I've got this addiction I have to FEESH. I have to troll for Mr. King Salmon... and catch'em..and Eat'em...
  3. If any of you guys like big thick burgers, go across Grand river ave from the rock and go into it's called the rosewood cafe.... it's old school and it's great...They need the business to, I eat there with my wife, and Don't expect anything fancy either...
  4. I'm going Friday Night My office is only 3 miles from The Rock Finacial center..... I'l leave from work Wine and dine the wife and turn her loose on all the lures.....I'll go home with close to 100.00 in new stuff.... All the attracters work on HER... not the salmon..hahahah
  5. I'll be there,, does anyone know a good rod maker... hahahahhha just kidding Tony.... i'll say hi at the silver streak both... any freebies... hahaah don't ya hate that crap... Your boltman
  6. ok where do you get your salmon from on the grand traverse bay.. and when, We're in Elk Rapids for most of the summer and there aren't any fish up there until late september... talk to me..
  7. I have a fifth wheel trailer for my 320 Sea Ray and I love it... Goosneck and fifth wheel trailers are from the same concept... pulling from over the axle so there is NO sway and more control... Love it wouldn't leave it anywhere...
  8. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, to all the board Boys.. and Men..oh and women if they are on here...And may the wiers be full of Kings, Coho and anything that tastes good this summer....I love all of Gods Creatures..... I love them right next to the mashed potatoes.....hehehehe
  9. Nailer, I have LED's on my Radar Arch and they are smaller, matter of fact they only have 6 Diodes in them, when I turn them on, everyone can see me and what I'm doing, those LED's that are in your pic, are insane, you will blind the fish and light up your secret location, they will work just fine and their spread will be unbelieveable for you without Killing your Battery or batteries.. and Don't look into them... it's going to hurt..
  10. I have it bad, I have New fishing Rods and Reels (from Eyefull) in my Blue room (painted to look like your in lake Michigan, cieling as well) and I am constantly working on my Blog site (for the Boat) to stay close to the boat and water.... can you believe it.???????? And I hate Ice Fishing, can't stand being cold and I live so far away from Lake Michigan...It's not worth the trip, I had a fish tank for awhile thought about raising a few Kings in it... that would have been awesome.
  11. I am thinking about the same unit and I have a friend in Ludington that installed it on his own boat, and loves it... He's getting me a list of everything I'd need to do the install myself also, but I'm thinking about having it professionally done. Robert Boltman
  12. Congrats on 20 years and Damn you've only got a few more to go for the next 40.... What a woman... how does she put up with you nailer....???????// \ The woman is a Saint...........For sure and I'm not catholicc.
  13. Tony, thanks a lot I appreciate your service and quality Sir, the Rods are awesome what can I say....... Have a Holly Jolly Christmas My friend...And a Merry Christmas To All........Ho Ho Ho
  14. Awe.... Come on Post it, man.... I won't say anything....hehehehhhehhheehhe
  15. How's that Deer yeah got there Tony?????heheheheheheh
  16. Ok, Her's my totals and I'm not very proud of it, but it's 2 better then last year.. 9 Kings 2 Lakers And a whole lot of skunks in the box, my box smells like them ther skunks...
  17. Nothing I can say, because it's already been said, Ask away and learn as much as you can...before you go out, it saves so much time...
  18. Got the Rods from Tony today, they look great, as soon as I get the reels I'll spool them up with some Mono, or braid and hook up Gracie to them.... the fight should be a good one... problem though, she loves to hop in the cooler.. and lay down in it, then what do I do... Another Great job By Eyefull custom Rods... Tony your Awesome, I hope more Guys on the board keep you busy,,
  19. Tony they look SWEET, just let me know when you need the CC numbers and I'll get with you ASAP, so you can ship them out on Monday... I can do whatever you want for payment....Your The Man...and maybe we'll get those New Wire Line Rods going that you spoke of without rollers.
  20. I know but mine is a Schoowzer Mix...but she's a good dog, and I think I'd need Wire line with her... she'll snap Mono....She's tough but get's scared quickly..... See what I mean Here..........Here's Gracie!!!
  21. Tony, The Salmon GOds have Looked upon you and Smiled..You have been a blessed man,as you go out onto these waters of Michigan, remember Who you Are!!!! For you... have the Salmon Gods looking down upon you with warmth in their swim Bladders and smiles on heir Gills.....You are a blessed man............... Thanks for the Rods My Friend and May the Board support you and purchase from you with all their credit card Vigor.... Robert "The Boltman"
  22. Is that you Tony.... Oh My God... you actually do exist.... and here I thought I'd never get those Rods........... and don't forget the Convetors My Friend....I'm getting Throttled just waiting for these Rods...
  23. Wow, My New Rigger Rods will be here Next Week From Eyefull, can't wait to get them and well.....Not use them until spring, Wonder if I could tie a line off to the DOG and let them run and feel like a salmon fight.. just the Little Dog though... the Jack Russel. Can't wait until they get here.
  24. So did I, and a New Fridge the New Cool kind French door with double drawer freezer....... she's a good woman and she deserved them... how bout yours.
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