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New Turkey Call


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I have heard of turkeys gobbling to car doors being shut, horns being honked, etc, etc, etc....

Here is how I discovered my new turkey call.

Today was one of them days. I stayed over 30 minutes at work getting the project finished I was working on :( Then it was off to the bank, only to find out that their computers had been down all day :( So I had to go to another branch to take care of buisness.

I had been craving some fresh salmon, so I fired up the grill when I got home. I had just got the grill fired up when the phone rang. It was work, wanting me to come back in to program a box pattern into a palletizer(machine that packs boxes on a skid). I told them I would be in when I finished dinner. Some time from when I fired the grill up to when half of the fish was finished, I realized the other half of the grill was not on :( I pulled half the fish off and moved the fish over to the hot side of the grill. The other half of the fish was finished cooking and I proceeded to put it on the plate on top of the other fish. The first piece flopped over the plate and onto the deck :eek:

I let out a loud "AHHHH CRAP!" I have to small boys so I try to keep it clean. As soon as I finished my ahh crap, a turkey in the woods gobbled :cool:

I am thinking next turkey season, I will leave the rest of my calls at home and head in the woods and let out a loud "AHHH CRAP!" :D

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