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Pike Stink.....NOT.

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Hi all.

I am sorrounded by at least a dozen ponds that are within a 2 mile drive from my house. 3 of which are next to impossible to drive to. I would have to unload my truck and walk, as there are no trails to drive a quad or sled. I am going out to one pond "40th street pond" in the morning in search of crappie and gills. These ponds are suppose to be loaded with pike "not a fav of mine"

I chose to not fish for pike cuz I've eaten pike in the past and don't have a taste for them, tried cleaning them "thats a nightmare due to Y bones, and they just plan stink to all high heaven.

Thanks in advance for any feedback you can give me. Jeff.


The smell Pike have comes mainly from their slim layer and skin. The flesh may be strong depending on their seasonal diets and what particular body of water you catch them on. The "y" bones are a factor when cleaning. But I find their sweet flaky meat to be rather tasty. And like $100.00 dollar bills, I never met one I didn't like. And like in most game fish, it's the care you give the flesh prior to cooking, then the preperation after. A good rule of thumb for all fish, is to sprinkle a light layer of iodized salt on them, and soak them in the frig for about 4 to 6 hours after cleaning. The salt removes all blood and slime and breaks down any fat layers that hold toxins of any sort. You will see most of this floating on the top when done. Rinse fillets under cold water when done soaking, then freeeze or eat them. MMMMmmmmmmm.....Good. Capt. Dan.

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Capt. Dan,

Here is another way that works well for me. When soaking fish, use approx 4 tablespoons of baking soda, yeah the stuff they use in the fridge, this helps to remove any strong flavors from the fish.

Remember, after soaking any fish, ALWAYS add fresh water to the container and allow the old water and oils to flow out and down the drain.

If you lift the fish through the stuff on top, yo have defeated the purpose.

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I don't think Pike stink. In fact, the first fish put into GLF's Amberjack was a pike and it didn't smell at all.......heheheheh.....

Now, you may be talking about stinking when cleaning or cooking but still I've had them in the past, never had to clean them and thought they were pretty tasty!!!

Just my .02


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I don't think Pike stink. In fact, the first fish put into GLF's Amberjack was a pike and it didn't smell at all.......heheheheh.....

Speak for yourself. I had to clean up after it.

Pike are really good eating.

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