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Holland Late 8/20 Weekend Report

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So I know this is a late report, but I've been on vacation since last Saturday afternoon with no internet access.

Friday night I went out late (we didn't get on the water till 8:15) with three of the guys from our Mexico plant and another guy from work who's never been big lake fishing. We took our first hit with four lines in the water. The fish took off across the back of the boat and ended up catching both of the leadcore on the other side. That one was 14.5 lb and came on a Mag sliverstreak hot lobster on the downrigger (not sure how far down, i think about 50). One of the Mexicans reeled that one in. As soon as that one was in the boat the other downrigger goes and the other guy from work takes the rod. He had fun fighting his first salmon which ended up at just over 20 lb. That one was on a mag U of M frog Silverstreak. After that, everthing went dead, marked a lot of fish but couldn't get anything to go. We fished 70 to 90 fow all night, with SOG about 2.7 MPH

Saturday morning I was fishing a small fun tourny for my church, only four boats. Had two guys from my church, a brother from one of them from Colorado, and my youngest brother. Started the morning launching at a little before 6. Set up in the same water as the night before heading SSW. After that, the action was consistent, and even furious at times. We had at least two doubles on and a near triple. Add in some CRAZY currents (seemed like they were going round the compass all morning) and it makes for some fun. Mag U of M Frog Silverstreak on the downrigger was the stand out with 4 hits. Also took a couple on Raspberry Carbon on the 300 copper. The rest of the hits came f/f on the divers with hits on 10" blue/white SD with silver/blue teaser rig and fly and 8" sliver/green dots paddle and Big Weenie Proctoligist fly. We ended the morning 4 for 9 or 10 with the biggest at 14.8 lb, which was good enough for a win :thumb:. We should have had at least one more fish in the boat. The captain didn't fully engage the end of the net and it came off while pulling a fish in the boat. Had joy of watching the net catch on the hooks, and then the agony of the fish coming unhooked and jumping lazily out of the net :rolleyes: We also had a lot of hooking, fighting, then unhooking :confused: All in all, it was a great morning out on the water. It was great getting out on the water for friendly competition between a bunch of good friends. It was also special because the guy from Colorado had a son my age who I knew but who was recently killed in a car accident, so it was good to get him out on the water and have a lot of fun fighting fish with his brother.

I also should thank everyone here for your help, advice, and trips out on your boats. Coming from someone who a year ago caught maybe one or two fish a trip, this year has been a ton of fun learning new stuff and catching more fish. :)

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