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Posts posted by Priority1

  1. I like taking some time with the kids. It's GR8 when they want to go places, and do things with us. In a few years I'll have him setting lines. They grow up way too fast. Enjoy every minute you can with the kids.:)

  2. GJ Dan.

    I bounced around out on the Bay today also. I had my 4 yo grandson aboard, so it was not about numbers today. We just tried to get a few fish on, and make it a fun experience for him. I'm still using crawlers. We got the skunk out before I put out the second board. We hit our spot and kept going with the waves. I didn't want to go back against the waves with a rookie driver.:no: We were getting hit with some 3 foot waves. For those of you that never fished the Sag Bay, the waves are close together and will beat the heck out of you and your equipment. I would rather fish 6 foot waves in open water a 100 ft deep, than to tackle 3 footers on the Bay. Five out of the last seven days on the water. I'm taking a break tomorrow, and get my equipment back up to snuff. Darn I need to man the lawnmower also.:)

  3. WTG Dan.

    I haven't been out since Tuesday, but will change that tomorrow morning. The last 4 trips = 40 walleye in the box. I have found a spot that has been giving up about 4 or 5 legal size fish to 1 throw back. Before that I was sorting at a ratio of about 1 to 1. I'm still running meat, but may change soon. I have run some Tots, but the meat seemed to light em up better so far. Sunday Eve when I was out we had to coax the fish to hit. What ever we did they seemed to want it different. We would speed up and hit a few and then nothing. We would slow down and hit a couple, and so on. We started steering like a drunken sailor, to speed and slow the boards and that helped. Find out what they want, and give em lots of it.:)

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