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Everything posted by village

  1. Nice we tried 115-145 out of Holland setup about tunnel park trolled North. 2 Kings fist hr fishing than not another hit.
  2. We run a sold gold spoon the normal double orange crush. And the http://www.anglersavenueproshop.com/steelie-stomper-dingle-series/
  3. If you have any canning salt re brime it on boat when you go out. Weve used old cut before only issue is when thaws after burns it tends to fall apart. So if you put in salt will help hold it together.
  4. Wow 40 foot down. When we trool silvers we usually fish the top 20 foot. Best look is a spoon on a high line or a 3 color. Never tried slow speed. We trool for them at 3.2 to 3.4.
  5. Yea sorry 5-27. Yea also lost a bigger King on the 300
  6. https://imgur.com/lJJmpg9 4 for 9 180ft water king came off 300 copper. 2 on 3 color 1 on half core.
  7. Nice looking King. Thanks for the report heading out at 6:30am.
  8. Holland 4-29 Am 10-13 two man limit 190-210. All spoons. 5 color to 70 down on riggers. 4 fish on sliders on riggers. https://goo.gl/photos/DFk4w8FnFj91BzJ79
  9. We normally run sliders did OK yesterday picked up one double on it. Yea boat I go out of is a weekend fishing boat Friday, Saturday so normally don't check weather until Thursday.
  10. Yea wasn't really any temp difference down was .04 difference. Was nice getting into some fish. I've been out of state for the last 4 seasons. Got a brown last Friday but was first trip with any numbers. Are slider on a rigger was the highest fish. Minus the steely that came off a copper 150.
  11. Nice job guys we went out of Holland went 8 for 10 one steely 7 coho 195-210 4 for 5 on both a North and South troll all fish came between 50-60 down.
  12. Holland 8 for 10 1 steely 7 coho 195-210ft 50-60 down.
  13. Even the Medium heavy are on the heavy side. We used few as starter rods for catfishing in Missouri. Also not sure how wide a spread your looking for but most tiger's are on the short side. We use the old ugly stick and diewa heartland. 8'6 to 9'6 is what we run. Staggered by depth. We run a high line or 3 collar 5 or 7 on the inside. Than full core or 150 copper. Also run 225 copper. If you get time check out Dawias webpage. They do a good break down of length for recommend fishing technique.
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