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Posts posted by danthebuilder

  1. What is the best harbor for 17 deep v lund and what time of year?

    For lake michigan. You got a 17 foot deep V you're pretty good until you basically get sick. 5-6 footers no issues. You don't really need to pick 1 port. You got the towable boat. Go fish where the reports are hot. If the money is a little lacking just fish the closet one.

  2. Full Disclosure: I am with LPG and would like to address these comments.

    LPG rod holders were redesigned about 3 years ago and are now able to withstand the greater load of dipsys and in-line boards. The improvements made include:

    • stainless steel pins as opposed to aluminum;
    • more robust hand wheels; and
    • thicker angle arms (the part that holds the rod holder to the slide base).

    Also, LPG sold a spring loaded rod holder that was advertised as NOT recommended for trolling. Even so, LPG has discontinued that type of rod holder.

    For more information about LPG, please go to www.lakelandproducts.com

    Thanks for the update.

  3. I happen to own a small business and I can tell you that the places on the internet do not support your kids school sports programs and many many other community programs. Buying local supports the local economy. Work with the business owner and you can get what you want when you want it.

    Thanks for the lies & misinformation.

    SINCERELY, That internet guy who lives in a local Michigan community that has donated thousands of dollars and has spent several thousand hours volunteering in a local youth program.

    Now, saying all that. If you really want to help out your local community. Stop making decisions that are putting yourself out of business. Complaining about those internet guys doesn't change anyone's minds. You've got to adapt. You can call your local vo-tech that kids in your high school go to. Talk to the teacher that handles the computer kids. Tell him you're looking to adapt and put your business online. You'd like to hire some kid part time. Have the kid setup an ecommerce website with already existing free software that's out there for guys like you. You can pay this kid minimum wage. He'll be estatic having a job not inside a mcdonalds. After he's done building the website. Have him research & implement a plan on how to get you to rank on google for the products you sell. I will also tell you a secret about the internet. You can charge more than everyone else & make a killing. You don't have to beat everyone on price on every item. Your higher price makes them trust that you're legit. Its a great thing. I have tested this time and time again. Once you get going. Figure out what the average person spends on your website. If they spend on average $50. Offer free shipping on all orders above $85-100. Raise your prices a little bit to pay for this. You will see your average orders & profits raise.

  4. Treat the sponsors right. You would not believe some of the stuff that happens. Karen asked for 2 shirts last year after giving $500.00 worth of flies. No we dont do that. Really! Sent about 40 flies to one deal, they put all our flies and all of one companies spoons ( all flies and spoons were the same ones ) in 1 bag for a drawing. Who needs forty of the same spoon or fly? We are open to any ideas you guys have for the fishing league and tourney Ken, Don and Maniac run:) BW

    That is just laughable & so sad.

  5. I found the permit and there are a million emails in there for different regions in Michigan. Have you emailed/called people in all these areas? Perhaps if you can get 1 area to allow you to do this you can pressure the other areas to follow suit. "we're just trying to do what the southwest Michigan district has been doing to combat asian carp"

    For others:


    It seems like if you filed a permit and crossed your T's and dotted your I's. You could call the attorney general. Your local congressman. The local fishing groups and ask them to do the same. You could probably get that permit pushed through.

    It seems in their Permit request has main three things they care about.

    1. Making sure what you import is healthy.

    It seems like you'd have to pay a health inspector to come examine your fish. Doesn't seem like that big of a deal.

    2. Making sure what you import already exists in the lake.

    (perch,walleye,pike) all do so you're already set.

    3. a species that is compatible with the overall fishery management goals in a watershed.

    I think this is the big hold up. "fishery management goals in the watershed" What are their goals? Lately, in Lake Michigan. They decreased the salmon plants to increase the health of the salmon population & the amount of bait fish. This is exactly the opposite of what you want to do. You want to plant the predators.

    I think it wouldn't be too tough to write a proposal, Put it up on a website. Pass it around fishery group. Ask people to endorse it. Pass it around. Ask people to contact every congressman, The attorney general, governor, sister states/other groups. Get everyone on board with switching up the goal of the watershed.

    I would also point out. That its tough to point your finger at Chicago and say "close the locks" when we aren't doing the simple things we should be doing to protect our lakes even if the locks are closed and they do get through. You could write some newspapers / news and apply some pressure that way to the DNR to push your permits through.

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