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Posts posted by danthebuilder

  1. We got a cigarette boat problem. I guess if you own a cigarette boat it requires you to idle your engines for 6 hrs at the launch. I've gone out & came back on a few trips & saw the same guy in the same spot at the launch. I have dreams of walking up untieing their boat & giving em a nice shove.

  2. I don't have much respect for dam fishing. If the DNR banned it tomorrow I would say "that makes sense". I feel the same way about the snagging run in muskegon with the whitefish every November. You can set lines out on the lake side w/ spawn & catch whitefish all winter long. You can catch fish that are not trapped at a dam. Now that I disclosed how I feel about those type of activities I will say this.

    There is absolutely no way the kayakers and the fishermen are going to co-exist peacefully. If the fisherman of the area don't get their affairs in order quickly and put a stop to it. They're gonna lose. Everyone knows this but aren't saying it. I wouldn't be against the kayakers. I'd be only for an east race style system. I would point out the natural style systems that have failed & cost millions.

    I think the fisherman of the area need to start giving reports & filling the shore so its shoulder to shoulder. Get those gander mountain weekend warriors out there. The more people on your side the better. Its short term shooting yourself in the foot but over the long term it might help save your "fishery".

  3. I'm hijacking your threat to talk about other shady stuff. There was a guy last month catching skam off the pier. I saw him catch about 10 in about an hr's time. He gave them away to random people. The people were walking off the pier with fish & by the time they got to the end they were saying they didn't think about it and didn't know what to do with the fish. How to clean em etc & they were trying to give it away. Other people had other excuses and it was clear these fish were never gonna be cleaned. My cousin tried to revive a fish but it was too late. I know possession limits are 3 I believe for skam maybe 5. but this guy had 0 in his possession. Whats the law on this? Can you catch 400 & give them away on the spot? I'd be fine if he took his limit cleaned them & gave em away. OR gave them to another person fishing that you know would have taken care of it but random tourists on the pier. It was just sad. He probably felt good about giving away his fish & didn't know what was really going on.

  4. the all new for this year 20' proV hard top that i think would be a ideal boat for the St Joe or any other one of the great rivers in michigan

    It was good to meet you. I was confused about this proV a little. You pass it off as kinda a river boat. There aren't many boats that go perch boats that look safer than this proV. Decently high walls & a wave protector in the back. Has the ability to take a wave on the front. I wouldn't be hesitant to take it salmon fishing. Sure the searunner & oceanpro are more designed for that purpose but hell. There are regulars who use bass boats that are rigged for salmon out fishing and they go out in 200+ FOW. Now salmon fishing in a bass boat... I wouldn't feel too comfortable but this proV i would feel fine.

  5. Aluminum. You can pull it anywhere & they're pretty easy to do major repairs. I sometimes fish weather that charters won't take customers out in. 18 foot aluminum handles just fine. You just ride on top of the waves which some people don't enjoy. I would just make sure if you're going to salmon fishing its a deeper boat & the back isn't open.

    Really, its all about what you're going to do. If you want to get a slip & camp out at a port. You want a glass boat. If your wife wants to go out. You probably want a glass boat. If your wife wants to go out but you don't want her to go out. Get an aluminum boat. If you're only going to go out when the weather is nice. An aluminum will do just fine. If you're limited on what days you can go out and so you're probably going to go out no matter what you're probably looking more at glass.

    Fixing a transom on an aluminum boat is pretty easy. Swapping out the floor is also pretty easy. It'll cost you 2-3x more on a glass boat and its a lot more work.

  6. I got a carhartt waterproof breathable coat + pants. like this:



    I don't really recommend it. The coat liner doesn't include the arms. Its like a vest which is awesome to use w/o the coat. But in the winter time your arms freeze to death. So you got to throw on an extra hoodie under it or your arms freeze to death. The rest of the year its nice. The sizing is kinda off too. One size is too big. The next size down is way too small.

    I'd personally look into something else. Looks like some great recommendations so far. Just thought i'd throw this out there to keep anyone from making the mistake.

  7. Gordon, you should note that the article says that the alwives and smelt are sold as "by-catch", meaning they are not the target species, they just happen to get caught.

    In addition, there is no plan at the present time to reduce the harvest of forage fish by commercial fishermen. Alewife and smelt are considered the most important forage species in the lake and both are caught and sold either as by-catch or through quotas by commercial fisherman.

    From the article.

  8. I don't buy egg cure anymore. With king eggs, if they are in the skein I strip them out of the skein and dry them off and the put in a ziploc and cover with 20 mule team borax and that's it. They will keep in the fridge for about a year. With steelhead spawn I never cure them. I just freeze them I small batches just enough for a couple days of fishing. For eggs for whitefish I cure the same way and just boil them until they will stay on the hook.

    What kind of eggs do you use for whitefish? I bought eggs last year for whitefish and to be honest, I got no clue what spices they came from. It was the only luck with purchased eggs that I had.

  9. I'm looking for all your secret recipes/guides on how to properly prepare spawn/skein. I purchased a good amount of store bought last year without much luck. I'd like not do that this year. I'd like to prepare a decent amount of individual eggs for whitefish off the piers & of course some skein too for some winter steelhead action. So, if you guys could newb this down for me that would be great. Do I want king eggs? Steelhead eggs? Both? What recipes for preparing it are best?

    Thanks in advance!

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