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Headed out with three friends after work. Got on the water at 6:15. Was a little bumpy when we got out but was almost flat heading back in at 9:45. It was slow for us :o Set a 9 rod spread with nothing going. Finally got a hit in 110 FOW when I dropped a downrigger to a fish 105 down. Turned out to be a laker that came on an 11" White/fishscale protrol and mirrage fly. And this is where the night got fun. As I was re-setting the pole, went to put it in the rod holder without really paying attention (as i was clipping it in the release) and missed the holder :eek: Well, by the time we got the net to the back of the boat to try to catch it, it was out of reach but floating on the surface. So, I stripped down to my undies and jumped in with a seat cushion :lol: Got the pole back and started moving again with only one tangle. We then noticed that the 7 color with a green splatter Ace Hi was pulling hard so brought it in and it had a 5 lb catfish on it. He went back in the lake. After that it was dead again. Played with speed, direction, lure depth, and couldn't get anything to go. Moved in to 95 and hit a double, one on the big paddle, one on the 300' copper with a chrome/Mtn Dew SD and Sunshine BW fly. Lost both of those fish, one 8 lb coho when one of my friends was basically lifting it out of the water while the other was getting the net. Then it went dead again. Swung back north and out a ways. Hit another double in 100 FOW, one hit coming on a rasbery carbon 60 down on the rigger, and a 16lb king on a blue bubble/white SD and Homosezwhat BW fly. The king had a 2ft lamprey on it that we chopped the head off and threw back in the lake (those are some nasty animals) Washed lures the rest of the night. SOG was anywhere from 2.4 to 3.1 My camera was broke so I need to get pictures from the night from my friend's phone.

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