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Port Sheldon 7-15 *Detailed*


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Here is my detailed report on the Port Sheldon tourney.

It has been around 20 years since I fished out of Port Sheldon. I was around 9 at the time. So, I printed off a small nautical chart of the area. I drew lines in at 80, 90', and 100' Looking at the chart, I could see a point/shelf directly in front of the port. The game plan was to fish this shelf all day long. This is where we caught all of our fish. Our best troll was a South troll at 2.7 on the GPS.

Team Dv8oR


Nick, GLF, Dv8oR

The day started off slow for us. We did not have a spot light nor a camera flash for charging the lures. Because of this, we did not get a hit until 6:30-7:00. I really think this hurt us by not being able to flash the glow in the dark baits and take advantage of the before light bite. There was a lot of radio chatter before sun up of people getting fish.

We set down in 63 fow and started setting lines. We trolled due West. The first hit came on a full core with a Serial Killer :SerialKiller: We pulled the board up to the boat and it did not feel like there was anything on it. We let the board back out. After about 20 minutes and the boards still lagging behind, I decided to check it again. Yep...there was a king on there and we had been pulling it around for 20 minutes. I guess we should have pulled it the rest of the way in the first time :o

Our next hit was on a fixed slider on a rigger set at 40 foot. This was on a magnum blue dolphin. We never hooked up with this fish. Matter of fact...we lost the bait on this one as well. It appears, someone only attached the leader line to the rubber band and not the line also. It had a black swivel and it was dark when we set lines. Right Tim????

Our next fish came on a green easter egg set at 50'. We had this one bait 50' behind the ball. The other rigger was set at 15' behind the ball. The thinking on this was that if a fish swam in and looked at our spread and dropped back, it would see this lone spoon and think it was a baitfish trying to catch up to the pack. It must have done something, because we caught two and missed another on it.

Our next fish came on the full core and same bait :SerialKiller: We trolled around for a while before we picked up our 4th fish on the green easter egg again at 50' set 50' behind the ball.

Our last fish came on a green and chrome spin doctor with a dreamweaver action fly, blue fairway in flavor. This was on a wire dipsey set on #3 and back 160'

We had another rip on this spin doctor, and had a rip on a mountain due spin doctor with the same fly. We never hooked up on either of these. We also had one more rip on the green easter egg that we never hooked up with.

I think that is correct. If so, that makes us 5 for 9.

We had a couple of good tangles with the dipsey's and the lead core. I think the one full core is now a 7 or 8 color core. Chit happens :D

After all said and done, we lost one spoon, the swivels on the slider and a couple of colors from the core. Not bad considering the tangles we had.

This was the back of the boat.


Left to Right, lead core, dipsey, rigger, rigger, dipsey, and lead core. I am pretty sure the tangles were my fault, and happend when I was trying to work the core around the dipseys while setting them.

All in all, it was a really good day. Thanks for asking me to fill in Tim!

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