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silver one

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Posts posted by silver one

  1. Fished Southaven today with my Father in Law and two of his good friends, Gary and Jack. Ended up 12 for 16 with the loss of one led core fising rig to the Ice water Mansion in big lake Gichagumee.Dont ask! Like Forest Gump says,( IT HAPPENS.).

    Next was the almost loss of a 30lb copper rig. Gary is a very tall gentleman with extremly long arms. Had the wire go off and when he went to grab the rod his elbow pulled a 30lb copper on a board out of the rod holder and into the drink. With the fish still on Gary started realing and after a few minutes I saw that he had also snagged the rig. Ok. so now were hauling a wire dipsey set at 200 with 8" prochip flasher and yougurt fly, Hooked up to a rod and real with 300' of copper and a walley board hooked to It. I grabbed the rig from Gary and prayed to the gods that this was not going to come off.

    The Mono on the copper had grabbed the snubber on the dipsey and was able to bring it all in Including a 7lb laker.Wow. Can this get anymore stressful. :eek:

    So the set went like this

    Fished straight out 80 to 130 Best depth was 105 to 115. Troll was tough with a west current but Noth troll was best. 25s to 28s on the gps.

    2 kings on fullcore yellowtail streak

    2 king on swr rig on rigger 90 down.

    3 kings on 30 lb 300 copper cripple alwife streak.

    2 kings on wire dipsey with blue bubble spindoctor and get ya some Yogurt fly 180 back on set on 2.5

    2 kings and 1 laker on wire dipsey 8" green protroll with Canadian Kethcup yogurt fly 200 back set at 2.5.

    Best speed was 2.7 on the gps.

  2. Took My friend vince out of st.joe today with my 12 year old son and his buddy Andrew and Vinces son Nick. Ended up 12 for 21. Was late getting on the water as I had some trailer light issues to my supprise, I belive a mouse chewed threw the power wire on my trailer so this held us up and did not get lines set untill almost 9.00 am

    Took a 300 off the pier and set up in 65' of water and stayed on the southwest troll out to 120 and worked back in. Most fish were caught in the 90 to 100 range with two in the 85' range. Took fish on,

    300 coper evil awife streak

    300 copper yellow tail streak

    fullcore orange easter egg streak

    halfcore oreange chilly willy streak

    wire dipsey set at 140 back on 8' protroll with get ya some yougurt fly

    orange and gold brad thin fin on the rigger 40 down 20 back

    Swr rig on the rigger with the dolphin 85 down

    stinger nitro pox on the rigger 70 down 40 back on the rigger.

    Hook to catch ratio was not were I like it but the boys had fun.

    Forgot the camer today so sorry no pic.

    Marked bait between 90 and 100 that went from bottom all the way up to 50 foot. nice to see huge bait piles again.

  3. Went on a shakedown cruise with Mooskey on the Kelly Lynn yesterday and went 8 for 8 in 3 hours. Not a bad shake down cruise for Greg. Kinda of my fault. He wanted to just run the boat and I made him fish.Sorry Greg.

    300 copper with yellow tail streak took two fish

    300 copper with Evil alwife streak took two fish

    full core orange easter egg Magnum streak took three fish

    and stinger dolphin took one on the rigger and last came on full core bloody nose. thanks Greg.:thumb:

  4. If the weather is right then take a 300 off the pier to 60' of water. you will want to be set up by no later then 7.00 am. Turn the boat west-southwest and cover the water colum, the surface down to 10' off the bottom. Stay on that troll just keep zig zagging out twords deeper water by 10 am. Keep working out. When you find fish stay more paralell to the shore. when you get out of them work out a little more. Surface lines. Swr, half core, full core and copper all on boards, wire dipsey 60 to 80' back early and as the day goes on work them back to where they get hits, riggers top 40-50' on outside,and bottom riggers on the inside with my deep swr with dolphin, Flasher fly on the wire, and the swr surface, thin fins on the surface, spoons on everything else. That is how I would tacke the Joe this time of year. The launches are exactly were Glynn said they were.

    Good luck. Might see ya down there that day. :thumb:

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