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Posts posted by sherman51

  1. I put the tracks on to make minor adjustments if needed. I also take the riggers and rod holders off so that people don't decide they like my stuff more than I do.

    yep, here to. i can take everything off my boat in just minutes. then when i put the holders back on i can make adjustments as i need to. i love the tracks. and the slide mounts for my big jon riggers. then if i just want to take the family down to the lake for a day playing in the water everything comes off.


  2. nice video, i,ve seen her like that after we traveled 200 miles to go fishing. needless to say we didnt fish on those days. we have went up and fished on sat, then get up on sun morn and just load up and head for home because the water didnt let us fish,LOL.


  3. i think your going to find that its a personal thing. i like using 6' rods myself, because i use 3 divers on each side, and it just makes it alot easier to get my diver rods out over the dr rods when putting out divers, and bringing them in to the back of the boat when bringing them back in. your probably not going to find many guys that like using short rods, but it works good for me.


  4. i went to the cannon tracks and ratcheting rod holders this year, and i just love them. this way i can adjust the holders to the sweet spots, instead of just mounting the holders in the barn then when i get out on the water say i wish i had mounted this on 1/2" this way and had turned that one about 1/8th turn that way. now if one needs moved just alittle i can move it. i bought most of my holders at amazon.com for like 65.00 each for the single axis which i like the best anyway, i dont remember what i paid them for the tracks. but they wasnt that bad.

    my riggers are mounted solid and i am happy with them, but they do have swivel bases and slide mounts so i can take them off the boat and store them in the pole barn.


  5. I work all week.On the weekends I find a nice chunk of ice to sit on and watch wolves circle me licking their chops. During this process I try to catch a couple of steelhead on my tip ups. While watching the tip ups and wolves I hope that Michigan opens a wolf season soon so that I can stack them up like cordwood. Mabey soon my wife can have a wolf fur coat.

    i,ve heard that wolf season might not be to far off. i would like to see them put a bounty on them darn yotes myself. i hate them things.


  6. god, some of you guys sure bring back some good old memeries. before my health got bad, i use to do alot of rabbit hunting, ice fishing, and a few other things. like taking my kids snow sleding at the hill at our local lake. my legs are to bad for the rabbit hunting. and i might be able to do the ice fishing with a power auger. my heart wont let me drill the holes by hand. but i will be going through all my fishing gear before next spring. and im trying to talk my wife into making a trip to fl for the month of feb. if we do that then i can stay busy untill the walleye start running up at the maumee river. and i plan on fishing it this spring. you,all have a great new year. and thanks for sharing what you do in the cold winter months.


  7. Good question. I ice fish a little, cut firewood for next winters heat. I tie flies for fly fishing. Once the sport fishing shows start up I usually go to a few of them.

    hitting the sport shows sounds like a good idea. i use to do alot of that. just got out of the habit over the years.


  8. hey everyboby. i was just wandering, after the fall bite is over and deer season is done, what do you guys and gals do to pass the time untill the spring bite starts??

    i use to ice fish. but after my health went south, theres just not much i do in the cold nasty weather.

    i do have family that lives in florida, so some years i manage to go visit them during the month of feb. by then i have had about all the winter i want. and by the time i get back the weather has started to brake. so i can just play with getting my fishing stuff ready for spring.

    merry christmas to you one and all. and a happy and good new year.







    this can and has damaged equipment

    i know becuase i messed up some expensive stuff myself doing it that way

    hey prop nut

    if he brought the boat into your shop, could you hook it up for him??


  10. merry christmas to all you great guys. i have enjoyed talking with some of you and reading some of your great posts.

    tony, i dont know you personaly but i wish you the best in the years to come. and really hope you can stay out from under the knife in 2012.

    i guess when you look back and think you have had a bad year. if you look around somebody has had a worse year. my year did kinda suck. i got ripped off by the marina that worked on my boat. then my son changed the oil filter on my car. i cant say he changed the oil because he drained it but didnt put the oil back in. so my engine locked up. then had nothing but trouble when i went to erie. then the rv generator went out on the way home. then got home and my air in my home was out. then i put the rv in the shop to get it fixed. it started out going to cost 360.00 well i ended up with 832.00 and its still not fixed. and they said it still needs a voltage regulator. and it was going to cost another 499.00 and didnt know if that would fix it or not. but i didnt have to get cut up like you have, so maby my year wasnt so bad. maby 2012 will be a better year for both of us.

    merry christmas and a very happy new year to you all.


  11. just want to rant alittle, and get some opinions.

    i was traveling to tenn. was still in indiana, i was following this car, he keeps speeding up and leaving me, then he will slow down and i catch him and have to slow down. i got tired of this and when i got a passing zone, it was a short passing zone, so i floored my car, by the time i got around him i had got pretty fast. a few minuets later a state cop pulls me over. he said he clocked me running 82 mph by the time i got around the car. he did cut me alittle slack, he wrote the ticket for 70 mph.

    now what i would like to know is how many of you speed when passing another car?? and who thinks you should get a ticket for speeding while passing??

    i plan to just mail the fine in and be done with it. but i think it was a cheap shot ticket. what do you guys think??

  12. back in the late 70,s i have put all kinds of stuff out there. once we were not getting anything on the riggers and put out a big rapala broken back rainbow trout pattern, it turned out to be the hottest bite of the whole season,LOL. go figure.

    there were times we wouldnt be getting any hits, and we would say we were going to put out the kitchen sink. we tried everything in the tackle box. sometimes it worked and most of the time it didnt. but we were willing to try anything. and it was alot of work as we only had manual riggers.


  13. i have to agree with you guys. i bought 2 of the pro tournaments from him this last spring, along with the slide mounts. and he gave me a great price on them. then he gave me a great price on a used set of double rod holders for my other riggers i had. great guy to do business with.


  14. i use a atv superwinch on my boat trailer. its rated at 3000# and i cut half of the cable off so i would have more torque. but it loads my 28 ft sea ray without any problems. but it runs slow with only half full arbor. but i only paid around 130.00 for it on ebay. they have some real cheap atv winches on ebay. but i couldnt tell you about the quaility of them. but i know superwinch makes a good winch. and it doesnt get hot pulling my boat on the trailer. and i have one on a kawasaki 700 and have pulled it out of some big mudholes down in tenn while riding. never had any problems with it.


  15. another good way to get a couple more lines in the water. i use 15 lb braid and long line one of the small dipsy divers with a purple spoon from galeforcetackle.com. i run it 300 to 400 ft back and pick up alot of steelies this way. and there clear of everything elce on the boat. i just flatline one out on each side. just something to think about when you get your rod holders mounted. then you have your big divers and riggers for getting deep.

    when i want to get deep with my divers i use the lite bite slide divers. you can get extra rings and weights for them. i just use the large ring and the 4 oz weight. she will really get down there with this set up. anything under about 60 feet i just use the small ring and standard weight. 240 ft out on a 4 setting i hit bottom in 60 fow. using 65 lb braid with a floro leader. just alittle food for thought.


  16. i would have loved to have found something like this about a year ago. i had a nice big trailer under an old center console fishing boat that had a blown engine. i bought another boat and just gave the cc and trailer to a friend, so i would have a place to park the new boat i just bought. but i would have been happy with this boat and my trailer, and saved alot of money.

    this boat could really be made into a great fishing boat. theres room for downriggers and plenty of rod holders for my diver rods.

    i bought a 86 sea ray amberjack 28 ft boat thats 10 ft wide, and then found out i have to go through all kinds of crap to get permits to even tow it in indiana and ohio. and i may just end up selling it and getting something smaller that i can tow without permits. just depends on how much trouble the permits really are to get.

    hows your move to michigan going??


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