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Posts posted by tltorrice

  1. After reading all of the fish porn last summer coming from Lake Ontario, my crew and I are planning a trip this summer. We would like to fish Lake Ontario the first week of August. We were thinking the Salmon River area but would be open to any advice we could get. We would like to have a chance to catch one of those Big, Fat, Lake Ontario Salmon. :D We have never fished this lake. We are familiar with fishing Lake Michigan. Thanks.

    Tom Torrice

    Tangle Factor

  2. I took the Tangle Factor out for a shake down trip on Sunday morning. Launched around 08:00 am out of Stearling and went out to Brest Bay and fished 15-18 fow managed two walleye. One on a glow crawler harness on a 2 oz bottom bounser and the other on a alwife spoon on the down rigger about 50 back 3 feet off of the bottom. Both walleye on the small side. The boat ran fine and it was a nice day on the water. Headed in at 01:30. It is early yet! :D

  3. When I let my divers out I don't flip the lever and let them free spool out. Just loosen up the drag so there is tention on the line at all times. This keeps the diver tracking properly and will avoid tangles. Since I have started doing this we have had a lot fewer tangles. When you reach the desired depth just tighten up the drag to the appropiate setting. Hope this helps.

  4. Tie it. No worries about a crimp slipping, cutting or kinking your wire. Its easy and works great.


    Adam Bomb; I am confused by this knot. I have attempted it several times and cannot get the knot to seat properly. I think step 2 is not clear to me. I am assuming this is like a palmer knot. Any help would be appreciated. I am setting up two wire lines this year so I am new to wire. Thanks Tom.

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