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Status Updates posted by jgaul

  1. http://www.greatlakesfisherman.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=119&pictureid=258

    stupid question, but a buddy is arguing with my about what these are.... Browns or coho.... What do you think? We are new to this, so I have beer or two on the decision!!


  2. 2 browns, but more coho than I have expected. Going out Friday after work. Not sure how far out to go. I want to run out a ways and go for steelie, but just don't know. I like your blog page. Is that pretty easy to use? Would love to start one. I've gone 8-10 so far this year... much better than last year!

  3. been doing any good?

    heading out Sat. morning. Fish are out DEEP down here. I will probably start in 170... That's about 5 miles out down here! sucks to run that far!

  4. Hey buddy! Great site. I need to find someone crazy enough to fish with me this early in the season. I am hoping to get out Sat. I want to run out to about 100 fow and see what I can get!! Trolled the shore yesterday and got nothing...

  5. Hey Chris.. Nice to see you on here. Are you going to Ludington this year camping too? We head up there this coming Sunday.

  6. Hey Jimmy! I have been in Canada the past week or so walleye fishing! I'm back now and ready to roll! Would love to go out with ya and learn some things. We'll see what this weather will do this week and weekend. Take care buddy!! tight lines!

  7. Hey... Looking to get some copper running.. I currently run a 3, 5, and 10 color core... What copper should I get?? 300?? 150?? I only caught 1 fish on my full core last year.. Think I might tie up a 7 color core with my extra reels. Thoughts?

  8. How'd ya do today??? Heading out in the morning... Still out in160 to 200???

  9. Jim, it's Jeff Gaul from the ATO website. I was wondering if I could borrow those Dan Keatin DVD's? You mentioned it earlier this winter and I can't find your number!! I am on the Northside of Holland. Thanks!


  10. Jim!!! Help!! Heading out Wednesday!! What should I do?? All spoons? Body baits? Depth? Ahhhhh!!! I'm so lost this fall! I also have your videos too!

  11. Kevin,

    What should I be fishing for this time of year? steelies?? Should I be going to white lake or something?? Want to get out more this Fall. Thanks for any help!


  12. Now what??? Seems like the run has come and gone... Where should I target now? How far out is 240???? I normally would fish in close... Is this stll good?

    Thanks for all your help!! I'll call ya and get your videos back to ya!!


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