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Posts posted by CaptLevi

  1. Cut bait is awesome! I like pulling it on a Fishertackle Guppy behind a cowbell rig for lakers, on a 3 fly rig behind a large to medium sized rotator or flasher, or clean on those days where real stealth is required to box large fish.

    You can purchase cutbait rigs at most retail tackle stores.

  2. Steve,

    I would guess that a lot has to do with the seemingly constant East wind we have been getting. The water against the shoreline is quite cold compared to usual.

    One thing you may have noticed. The Kings are taking high lines as well as lines set to 85'. Most of mine have been in the top 30'.

    Last weekend we marked lots of baitfish in the 100' - 120' range.

    So I guess I would think that it's just a fickle year and keep my fingers crossed that the sky isn't falling.:confused:

  3. Hi folks!

    I am CaptLevi, Levi Sanders to those who know me personally. I opertate Sportboat Charters out of St. Joseph.

    I guess I am moderating this area so no low punches....let's keep it a clean fight!

    Welcome aboard!

    .....and feel free to contact me about any issues I can help you with.

  4. Capt.Mike,

    Yes your registration will be listed.......use: comm/freight

    Your U.S. Merchant Marine covers passenger for hire (someone correct me please if I'm wrong?) Are they just requesting your U.S.M.M.O. #?

    You will also need a sport trolling license. That is a catch 22. You cannot obtain it without a passing inspection and you can't pass the inspection without the sport trolling license. I would contact a local DNR office to expidite the Sport trolling Lisence in advance. Just let them know of your issue.

    You will also need to have a copy of your insurance policy. (not a binder).

    You can also call the DNR regional facility nearest you and ask to speak with someone in the law enforcement division for more specifics.

  5. My largest King was out of the Musk. River in '74. 36#.

    Out of the lake:

    Biggest king? But we had a limit allover 20# in Frankfort in '85. A few near 30#. All 15 caught in about an hour from setting the first line. We never got more than 4 lines set!

    Biggest Brown? 13# while night trolling for wally in Musk Channel '87.

    Largest walleye? 11.25 # same location in '88.

    Largest coho and lakers were actually landed by guests(but I set the lines and coached 'em!, doesn't that count for sumpin?).

  6. Capt. John (Shades),

    It's about time you showed up. You will be a great asset to the site for sure. Your fishing prowess is indeed impressive. Anyone who has fished with you knows what I mean.

    Did any of you know that John was part of the team sittin in second at the South Haven tourney last year after day one and was just barely edged into third on the second day by Best Chance? And he is a co-founder and member in good standing in the Brotherhood of the Salmon St. Joe Chapter.;)

    I can't wait to put the hurts to some fish this season Bro!

  7. I think I might be in the minority of Charters who agree with the cuts.

    However they also should raise the limit to five again in Michigan waters.

    And they should plant more Steelhead. There is an article in the Great Lakes Sport Fishing News written by DNR staff which smells fishy to me. They make a lot of excuses for not upping the stocking of other species, but seem to dance their way around the justifications. Nowhere do they justify not increasing steelhead stocks, only coho and trout. (Unless I am missing something).

    I am also just a tad skeptical about how long it will take and how many dollars will have to be squeezed from the taxpayer to reinitiate prior stocking levels should the lakes see a turnaround in the forage base.

    And what steps are being taken to raise the levels of forage other than lowering the Salmon stocks? All of the answers need to be addressed by the DNR and other agencies involved.

    Am I alone here?

    It appears by the letter written by Pres. Rick Balabon in the same publication that the MSSFA are asking those questions too but don't seem to be expecting too many answers in the near future.

  8. What's you favorite meat rig set-up?

    I have many, but I guess my favorite has to be the stealth set up I use on a rigger. I run a line with just the head and meat, no twinkies or flasher, on a center rigger, about 20 lower and 20 feet behind a flasher fly set-up that is on an outdown. It doesn't catch alot, but it gets some big hogs.

  9. What gets me are those who just throw their butts in the water like it isn't littering. I supply ash trays for smokers on my charters for just that reason.

    Or how bout folks who throw burning butt's out their car window like it won't cause a grass fire!


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