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Posts posted by tgafish

  1. My 2008 Dreamweaver Big Jon Charity tourney experience

    Might be a little sappy but I wanted to take a minute a write down my experience from last year with this event. I was lucky enough 2 years ago to be asked by Caznik to help him turn the Dreamweaver challenge into a charity event. My only qualification was that I had fished a Make-A-Wish event for the 2 prior years. So Caz, Sarah C, Sixshooter, and I looked into a few charities and Six found B4K.

    Throughout the process I got to know a few of the B4K people and let me tell you they are true blue good people. All of them have regular day jobs. They take a good portion of their free time and dedicate it to helping kids and their families. They receive zero dollars for their hard work. The payment to the soul however is immense, as I was to find out.

    The days before and the day of the tourney were a series of awesome moments. Major sponsors were coming on board along with MS members offering gift certificates. Teams were signing up and we had as many teams as we hoped for. Everybody was excited to send a family they had never met on the trip of a lifetime. A trip that most of the teams could only dream of.

    Tournament day was a whirlwind. The last time I had butterflies like that was my wedding day. The sight of all these teams laughing, talking, smiling, and graciously donating was one that I will never forget. There was a sense of pride throughout the whole weigh-in that you could feel. It honestly took me a whole week to come down from the high. I hope the guys and gals that participated had the same feeling.

    Throughout the whole process I took many moments to think about my children and how lucky I have it. The times when they had a cold or when I got worked up about them not doing things they were told. Imagine the world some of the wish kids and families live in. Endless Dr. appts, sleepless nights, astronomical medical bills, etc. I can only imagine how long the list is. Nick from last year had half of his leg amputated before he was 15. I can’t imagine sitting in the waiting room waiting for my son to have his leg cut off so he can feel better. But those who participated in this event gave this family one week to put those things away and not have to worry about anything other than enjoying themselves and being a family. And memories that last forever.

    When I look back at the $75 I spent to enter this tourney I think about all the things I got for that money. A great day of fishing with an awesome group of people. A set of lures that would cost me a similar amount of money. But the sense of pride I still carry from helping out Nick’s family is priceless.

    Over the spring we will be letting you guys know about awesome raffle prizes that will be available to win at this event. But I just wanted to share that no matter how many fish you bring to the weigh-in, or what prizes you draw, there is no way you can leave this event not feeling like a winner. Hope to see you in Muskegon!:friends:

  2. Once again the WMFL presents the Dreamweaver Challenge. In it's 5th year last year Rich Meade(Caznik) had the great idea to turn everybody's favorite event into a charity event and the Charity Fun Fishing Tournament was born. The generosity of the teams was amazing and we raised $4800 for Benefit 4 Kids.

    Benefit 4 Kids is a 100% volunteer organization granting outdoor wishes to kids with life threating or life limiting conditions. They are very excited to be part of our group again this year after the great success in 2008.

    So here we go guys:yahoo:


    Same setup as the past with all teams using the same lure package supplied by Shane at Dreamweaver. We're still working on updating the rules, times, prizes, and such but I'll have it up soon.

    Sign up and join in on the fun!!


  3. so is the wmfl in the tank this year or is someone else running it?....is the b4k the only thing going on?

    The WMFL currently does not have anyone to run it so as of now it will not happen. If anyone wants to pick up the ball and run with it you could call Rich and see what he thinks. When it first started it was just some guys throwing money in a hat. No sponsors no prizes but it still was a blast and probably still could be.

    The Dreamweaver charity tourney benefiting B4K was picked up by myself and a few other WMFL regulars with Rich's blessing. I'll be posting a sign up page this week. I'll have the particulars (costs, rules, etc.) up in a couple weeks. Look forward to seeing everyone again in July or earlier:)

  4. Leave the heads at a WNW heading out to 175 fow. In the spring season those kings are schooled up and I want to be able to pick away at a group of active fish. With a six rod spread like that I can work a way point pretty good until it drys up with out getting tangles but I like to be away from others so I can make my turns.

    Pre light

    Riggers start with moonshine and a blue whale 45-60 down

    Dispeys on 3 with 8inch flasher glow fly 95 out and 11 inch flasher glow squid 150 out

    5 color has a glow j-plug

    10 color has a mag moonshine


    riggers move down as bite slows. Colors are Blues, blacks, and purples

    1 dipsey stays in the 95 to 125 range all day and might get a spoon. The other goes farther until it gets bit. Always has a fly/spinny. Might let out the other if a certain length gets hot.

    5 color has a grey ghost J or steelie spoon

    10 color gets a dbl orange crush/dolphin/ or a yellow tail

  5. 2





    will be in the water at some time every time I am on the water.

    jamacian sunrise is a killer 50-100 feet down

    Glow screwball is a constant low light producer any depth

    glow frog is one of my top steelie producers

  6. I have a power winch for my Islander. It works real well for pulling the boat on and saves me time while loading for sure.


    The winch is only used for pulling the boat on. It will not secure it like a manual ratcheting winch so you will need a ratchet strap to hold the nose tight to the roller.

    It is designed to hook up straight to your truck. So if for any reason you need to pull with a different truck the winch won't work. I solved this by permenantly attaching a battery to the trailer. The battery is charged by the truck when I attach my trailer cables.

    The cable sometimes burys itself which takes a good amount of yanking to get it free. I have bunks so I always detach before backing in. If you're using rollers which I would guess with that heavy boat I think this will not be an issue for you. Backing the boat in a little with the cable still attached will free it for sure.

    Enjoy the jealous on-lookers:D

  7. TGAFISH are you flashing them and sending them down might be tooo bright. I started storing all my glow stuff in clear plastic boxes and bought a 12v blacklight to go in the compartment with them. I know with the Moonshines and a few others they seem to glow real bright and it takes a while in the water before the settle down and fish hit them. When I started using the Moonshines a few years ago they very seldom got hit right away if they were real bright. So I started laying them out on a board and flashing them several at time and holding the flash unit further away. I see a lot of guys flashing them as they put em out and sometimes I will still touch one up with the flash. But my best results come when they have a good light soak and several min to settle before going into the water. I have also noticed that if I run glow spoons on my high lines in the last light before dark they don't need to be flashed they will pick up enough light to glow as the sun goes down.

    I use varying levels of light on the glows. I've never used the blacklight though. What's funny is the last light night bite has never been a problem with me and I'm running the same program usually. I'll keep playing with the light levels though. Maybe try lighting them up bright on the no wake out to the lake and then leave them alone.

  8. I don't see anyone putting slide divers or thumper rigs in here. These are 2 presentations I'm going to try in 2009. I don't think they are going to make the difference between limits or not but ya never know. If things aren't popping I like to change presentations more than colors.

    I still need to find a program for the prelight bite. I have a plethora of varied glow stuff down I just don't seem to get bit hard until 30-45 minutes after it gets light. Gets frustarting hearing my buddies with 2-4 fish in the boat before I get my first one going:confused:

  9. Copper has been my most productive over the past 3 years. My riggers take the most fish but I run twice as many of them. After that it's riggers, core, and then dipseys. When I first started fishing I used mono dipseys and caught most of my fish on them. Ever since I moved to braid and wire they have not done as well for some reason. Maybe because my other presentations have gotten better? My spread is usually:

    4 riggers

    2 dipseys

    2 copper 1 30 lb 1 45lb

    The rest are filled with cores

    I will not run highdivers with copper. I can't keep them from tangling

  10. Off season topic to calm my nerves by at least talking about fishing:D

    I have never really seen an advantage to copper backing when fishing for coho's or kings. I'm wondering if anyone has had days where in your opinion copper backs made a difference in your catch? I'm also interested to see if you have difficulties finding copper backed spoons. Thanks!

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