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Pulp Fiction Fish - Fair Haven 6/24/06 w/PICS

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Jay and I got out for an afternoon trip on Saturday. GORGEOUS day on the water. Bright blue skies, 2-3 ft. chop, low humidity, warm...it was almost perfect. I had run out in the morning with a friend for a quick boat ride and did some scouting around and had found bunches of bait out front. So we ran out to 100FOW and found that the bait was still there, but not too many marks around it. Water temp was near 70 on top and 58-59 down 90! OUCH!! I set the first rigger down 90' with a Habanero and was setting the second when the first rod fires. Do you remember that scene from Pulp Fiction where they blow the guys brains out all over the wall? Well, after we net this small King, he proceeds to pitch a fit about being out of the water and causes that same kind of mess in the back of my boat. It looks like somebody got killed on board, but it was totally self-induced. Needless to say, he ened up in the box:



Here's the little guy who caused all that mess!

After we got completely set up and cleaned the mess up, the same rod fires again. This time Jay lands an 11# King. We were in 135 FOW for this one.


Set back up again, and this time the #3 rigger fires, set down 100' pulling a glow frog. We end up boating this beautiful chromer:


We'd been out less than an hour at this point. Jay says "Hmmm...the wire hasn't fired yet..." And WHAM...we're tied into a big boy. The fish takes me out to 500' and I lost him. Too bad, 'cuz it was a keeper. It came on the JV Cheerleader out on 320' of wire. We were out in 165FOW and found the temps down 100' to still be very warm....56-57 degrees.

From then on out, we worked that same area (100-165FOW) and didn't have another rod move until that same JV Cheerleader goes with another Major. It was almost the same drill: BIG hit, LONG run, VISCIOUS headshakes, and then he was gone. I had moved the wire out 340' on this one just moments before the hit. After that, it was time to go in. All in all, we were very satisfied with our 3 for 5 evening. The fish are out there, and seem to be out of temp.



On Sunday, a few of us from Fair Haven donated our time to take some challenged kids fishing. Popeye Charters, us, Shade Tree Charters, and the boys from the Jenny Too took about 15 kids out for a morning on the lake and in the bay. All of the boats caught fish, and I can say with certainty that all the kids had a great time. We took our guys to a little secret spot I know and we ended up catching 30 or so perch, bluegills, and bass. The kids had a riot, and so did we. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera so I don't have any pics to post. If I get some pics from the other guys, I'll post them here.

I'll be up again for a trip on Wed, and will post our results the next day if I can.


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Sounds like you had a great day. What setting did you have your wire dipsey on? Was it a mag or a regular? How deep do you think it was running?

Very nice of you to donate your time and boat to taking the youths out fishing!

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We had our dipsys on a #2 and figure they were running 100 ft down when we had them out 300-310' and 110 ft down 330-340. We were running 2.25mph or so down at the ball, and found there to be a TON of current. Top speed was basically useless as going North you had to put the hammer down to get that 2.25 down speed, and going South we had to sssllllooowwww it down. We run regular #1 size dipsys.

As for donating time to the kids, it was a real treat for us. My first job out of college was working for the Boy Scouts of America as a District Executive. I know how hard it is to find volunteers for things. When the Chamber of Commerce asked if we'd be interested, I jumped on it. You should've seen these guys faces when they hooked an 8" perch...they were yelling FISH ON like it was the biggest fish in the world. I'd do it again in a minute.

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