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dog tracker

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  1. Kalamazoo had some fish last weekend but no 4 year olds that i saw. Mostly 2 and 3 year olds that were still pretty silver and the meat was still pink
  2. Tunas reel repair in ludington
  3. have you pulled the plugs and looked for a water in a cylinder
  4. Good to hear saugatuck is going to get more plants. But it will never get back to what it was when I was a kid. Picked up 1 big male yesterday. Hopeful this rain will be the what we need to get the last push in the river then it will be time to fish Steelhead.
  5. fish saugatuck today no salmon 7 sheep head
  6. anybody find perch off saugatuck ?
  7. Yep bounced out of the rod holder
  8. if anyone catches a pinnacle rod with a diawa 47slh right in front of the pier id like it back thanks
  9. water went from 40s to 60s overnight need it to cool back off
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