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Everything posted by GLF

  1. Welcome to the site. Thanks for taking the time and doing an introduction.
  2. Welcome aboard. We look foreward to having you around and reading your reports.
  3. There have been alot of people being booted from fish chat lately. I will be upgrading to the newest version of flashchat. This may help with some of the issues, but not all of them. I will also tweak the on some of the settings. There are some bugs in it, and people being booted is probably the number one. This site is on a shared server. The site can handle around 125 members online at a time without overloading the server. Each member that is visiting the site is one person online. If the same person is in flashchat also, the server counts it as two members being online. Flashchat also creates an increased load on the server. Flashchat will not handle a large number of members online without the site being on a dedicated server. There is a large monthly fee associated with having a dedicated server. If there are still problems after the upgrade, I may move flashchat to another domain. This should help. The only down fall is members having to log into the chat room when they visit. Lets see how this Wednesday's chat goes.
  4. What are you doing teasing Meow with a mounted fish?
  5. Welcome to the site Abes! Thanks for taking a minute and doing an introduction.
  6. Hey Jim, ever wonder why Lake Trout poop all over your boat? Because they can On a more serious note. Maybe it has to do with the air expanding inside them from being brought to the surface and forcing it out.
  7. Welcome to the site. Everyone that fishes Lake Ontario has been making me druel over the big kings they talk about. Thanks for taking the time and doing an intro. If you need anything, let out a yell. Mike
  8. I have seen the fizzing technique used on bass also. What would be a neat study is a radio tracking of salmon caught(50' or deeper) and released to see what happens.
  9. Lets see what you have. Post your pictures of your boat(s) here.
  10. I am a certified scuba diver. The underwater atmospheric pressure is what really needs to be taken into account. There is a huge change in atmospheric pressure underwater. Underwater, pressure increases by "one atmosphere" (the equivalent of atmospheric pressure, or 14.7 lbs./sq.in.) for every 33 feet we descend into the water. This means, for example, that the pressure at 66 feet below the surface is 44.1 pounds per square inch, or three times that of the atmosphere. It takes more air pressure the deeper you go. As you ascend in water air expands. This is why you see a perches belly come out its mouth when pulled from 50 ft of water. I have never seen a salmons belly come out its mouth. I am not sure if fish get the bends or not. The above test article does not mention about which depth the salmon were caught. The pictures in the article only show streams in the back ground. I would venture to say the mortality rate is higher than the articles. I am not an marine biologist and these are only my views.
  11. Whats a trousertrouttracker? Ummmmm....care to explain this one Jim?
  12. I just finished checking out your site. Very informative. Its interesting to see how our Great Lakes fishing techiniques are spreading around the world.
  13. Welcome to the site trollscot. Were you on vacation here, or did you move to Scotland? Hows the fishing there?
  14. Welcome to the site! Thanks for taking the time and doing an introduction. All it takes is one trip on one of the Great Lakes salmon fishing, and you are hooked for life. Then its a matter of empty pockets If you need anything, just give a shout. Mike
  15. Post some feedback about the book when you are finished reading it.
  16. Who is fishing any of the major tournaments this season? What tournament(s) are you fishing?
  17. When prefishing for a tournament, how many people release the fish they catch?
  18. Thanks for taking the time and doing an introduction. Welcome to the site. If you need anything, just give a shout.
  19. 1. Who keeps a log book? 2. How many years have you been keeping it? 3. What are you using for a log book?
  20. I have been out on two different boats so far this year. Between the two boats, this is what we caught. 8 Coho 2 Lakers How many fish has everyone boated so far this year?
  21. You mentioned mono, but then talk about super line. I assume you are using the willis knot for the super line also?
  22. GLF


    It will have the www.greatlakesfisherman.com at the bottom. It will be the same image as whats on the back of the jackets. I had an error on my size and I am waiting for a call back with new prices.
  23. What knot is everyone using to attach the lead core to the super lines. Willis knot?
  24. GLF


    I may order a couple of them just so we can see how they look. These prices are the cost to me. I used "around" in the price because it depends on how many I order.There is no mark up on them. The size is wrong in my previous post. I think....the size would be 14 x 8 I have prices for single color now. the 14 x8 would be around $7.00 and the 8 x 6 would be around $2.00 Myself, I like the colored ones.
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