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Posts posted by jimcr

  1. Jim, let me know if you need a speed control for it I have a trollmaster for that exact motor. We were actually just talking about selling it and some other stuff from the old boat. This thing is sweet. It works as a reastat and has infinite throttle control.

    I'll let you know thursday night.

  2. Are you lookimg for a full set of controls or just a trolling adjutment control box. I just insatlled a trolling box fron controll king. I allows me to make micro adjust. It will adjust 1/10 of a mile an hour (gps). Cabelas also has a trolling throttle controll they sell.


    My best guess right now is that I don't have controls, I should have asked . Would the control king be enough to use on the motor without a set of controls? I will find out on thursday when I pick it up. I really don't want to have another throttle control box . how do most guys do this?

    It has its own power trim and alternator but I am thinking of putting it on its own battery. I know I have options just have to find them first.

  3. how was the auction? i was really disappointed i had to work. Looked like a lot of good stuff!

    They had a lot of trailers which went very reasonable, they also had a bunch of motors most were 75-250 hp , I only stayed until I got the kicker .They had five and they all went for about 1950-2100. all the motors were new but one, full warranty too.I'm sure it lasted for at least 3 hours . Way in the back of the lot they had Milwaukee's old Fire and rescue boat. Now that would make a great fishing boat!!! just have to remove the extra plumbing. I had a wedding to attend, and the service was very short , I was 10min late and missed the service. and my Wife was pissed!!!!

  4. My Marine dealer had an auction on saturday and I was hoping to pick up a couple of things, well just one, 2010 4 stroke 15 hp kicker. Now I just have to rig it on the boat. It should just bolt on having Power trim I shouldn't need a bracket. The only thing I am wondering about is the controls. Where to mount them and what kind should I use. I know I need a t-fitting for the fuel and a link for the steering, Does anyone know of a good place to buy controls? Should I buy a duel system or just install another control unit? Pictures will follow as I don't pick it up until Thursday , have to have the brakes replaced on my truck, rotors warped again , 2nd time in 5 months.

    Having almost 200 hours on the main motor this year I decided that I need a kicker, before I wear out my big motor.

  5. We bought a food saver on ebay just to seal up the fish we caught and not get freezer burnt. S far so good, bought some bags on ebay also, they work great. We buy our burger from the butcher shop and seal it , no freezer burn, just hated to through out meat. Sealed up some tender loin with it and it was as good as the stuff we didn't freeze. We also use it to bag up smoked fish(dosn't last that long but still keeps it fresh). AS for different brands can't really help there we only have the food saver.

  6. Not a bad catch Jim. Dad and I fished this morning and ended up 3 for 4 with our biggest being a 6 pound laker. Fishing has really died off for a while now. I heard they are still getting them way out though.

    Yea I tried hailing you on the radio this morning but no answer, didn't think I was going out that deep , just kept looking for more coho and steelhead. From what I heard on the radio and saw at the cleaning shack not much being caught . 2-3 fish was all .You might want to try those Jp Slammers from Jimbobber(Jimmy) of all the spoons I ran only one Dreamweaver spoon took a fish. You all done chartering this year? I may do a couple of trips next year, May and maybe Late June or mid july. So keep a space for my group. Like to get into the Coho and Perch in the spring.

  7. We were out on Thursday and that stinky skunk was tossed out right at the end of our trip with 2 shakers. This one and another smaller one , can't get much smaller than this.


    Now back at the present, Left McKinley around 6:15 , after the last couple of trips with little to show decided to go out deep. Headed northeast to 125ft of water and worked out to 150. Found a small area the fish were bitting , first fish came about 730am in 144FOW an 11lb rainbow , then about every 30 to 45 minutes as we were going west we would pick up another one. Mixed bag today missed the grand slam by one , all we needed was 1 King . Not to be had by us today though. ended the day with 1 Rainbow ,2 Coho, 1 Lake trout, and 1 Brown. The lake laid flat by 9am so we went all the way out to 200ft, Glass flat out there. Last fish came in 175FOW . We were able to run wide open on the return trip about 12 miles, how often does that happen ? Take a look at one of the pictures here it show us in 200fow, is that bait scattered or just interference. 4 out of the five fish came on Jp Slammers, just recieved my package on Friday. Jimmy is right they really slam these things.

    We ran 3 of them and each one fired at least once on our trip . I am not that familiar with the names yet an orange one and the watermellon and one that looks like cracked ice. I can't wait till next summer when the kings are really active , I think these will be the cats butt. So Jimmy I will be ordering more of these before Christmas.

    Tight Lines





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