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Charter Captain
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Everything posted by Daybreak

  1. Feel free to give me a call anytime. Whether you go with me or not, I'd be happy to give you some tips and info on fishing out there, and answer any of your questions.
  2. Both is these fish were caught on a casting spoon in less than 50' of water last week. MUCH more fun is shallow water as well, and the fish swim away in great shape.
  3. If you hit the right day in July or early August when the bugs are hatching, you can definitely have success with fly gear. I've taken a number of groups out there specifically to Fly fish. It's not something that's going to work all the time, but if you hit it right it's a hell of a good time. Most fish on top of the reef are going to be "leans/redfins/mackinaw". But all species can be found out there. If you spent a lot of time fishing deeper than 200 you would find a lot more Siscowet and Humpers. Nothing more beautiful than the Redfins to me though!
  4. I always try to fish as shallow as possible as it makes releasing fish much easier. But typically, early in the season, were from 80-180'. Later in the year, 15-100'.
  5. Stannard Rock is where you want to go. Nothing else comes close. This was filmed there in July...
  6. Another great day with the Emme family! Thanks again, Pete! Always a blast with you guys! https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/p100x100/10603409_4360881076536_5643953429328957562_n.jpg Pete Emme Had an awesome day yesterday on Lake Superior with John Tomczyk and Daybreak Charter Fishing as we bagged 12 Lake Trout and they were so yummy!
  7. Here is Jeci with her beautiful Lake Superior Lake Trout that bit a casting spoon in 18 feet of water, 45 miles offshore!
  8. 3 mornings in a row with glass clam water at The Rock! Thanks Mother Nature! I take back all the things I said about you last week...for now
  9. Now that's a great weekly forecast for Stannard Rock! This is it. Our 1 week of summer has arrived!!
  10. His second fish ever! 27lbs! I think I just spoiled him for life! Slide Diver and a Watermelon Moonshine.
  11. As the Son of a Vietnam War Veteran, and as an American who never forgets those who protect my freedom at any cost, I want to again say Thank You for your service and sacrifice. Also, God bless the thousands that never made it back home. During the month of September 2014, if you book a Marquette area fishing trip with us and have a Vietnam Veteran onboard, I'll take $75 off the cost of the trip. If you have 2 or more Hero's onboard, I'll take $100 off the cost. A small way to again say THANK YOU to this very special group of people.
  12. Thanks guys! Sure would have been nice to hook a giant that day, but it wasn't in the cards. The good ole cameraman jinx! Hard to complain about a 75+ fish day though... The next 3 trips out there after the show was filmed, we boated a total of 8 over 20lbs and 2 over 30. That's my luck!
  13. Here is our segment with Michigan Out-of-Doors TV fishing at Stannard Rock! It was a great day on the water with one heck of a crew! Special thanks to Jordan for putting together a great show and being a blast to fish with. Enjoy! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=36kNcMSziPc Michigan Out of Doors T.V. #1430 This week we start in the middle of Lake Superior at Stannard Rock - after that we hit St. Clair for some Musky and end up with some new gun regulations for ...
  14. For the record,Fowlpursuit... I wasn't giving a report. The site copy's the posts off my Facebook page and posts them here automatically. Sorry it wasn't more in depth, but it was posted from a phone, from the water, in-between netting fish. And my location is in my forum information at the top right of every post. If you want a fishing report for my area, feel free to call and ask me. But so you're not offended, we were in Lake Superior, 9 miles East of Marquette. Fished 35-50' of water, at 2.6-2.9 ball speed, in 47-50 degree water. Trolling 95 degrees was our best angle. Riggers with 20-35' leads, 25-35 down and Mag spoons with orange. Slide divers set on 3, let out 50-75', with 80' leads to small gold spoons. Leadcores of 2-5 colors with mag RV moonshines took a few fish as well. Sticklebacks in every belly, and lots of bugs as well.
  15. Another great morning in the shallow water! 15 lakers and a Coho, all in less than 50' of water...in July! The craziness continues!
  16. For the 9th year STRAIGHT, the Crossroads Restaurant was voted the best fish fry around. They are also certified participants in Michigans "Catch and Cook" program. So after a successful charter fishing trip with us on the lake, they can prepare the fresh fillets for you and the rest of the dinner as well!
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