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Fair Haven WARM water report 9/22

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My crew and I left Shawn's Marina at 6:30 pm yesterday and ran straight out front and set up on 50FOW. Ran the probe down and found 65 degree water top to bottom. No problem, we'll just move deeper to find our temps. Went out to 100 FOW....ran the probe down...65 degrees top to bottom. And so it went fort he entire day. We trolled out as far as 450FOW and found 65 degree water with as much as 200' of cable out. We marked a few fish in the top 150 FOW, and managed to hook up with a few, but what a change from last weekend!

Here's the only pic I remembered to take...I was too busy trying to find at least SOME cold water!


On shore it was very comfortable, but when we got out further, that strong South wind had the lake whipped up to 3-4'. I talked to another couple of charter boats over the course of the entire day, and every one of them found the same thing. One of them ran out to 600' and said he found some fish & bait at the end of his trip up higher...100' down or so. Unfortunately for all of us, it was 4:00 and he was headed in as he found it. We all found TONS of bait and fish down 220-250', but just couldn't get to them. At one point, I had my dipsys out 450' and 500' in the hopes that I could get some of the occasional fish we marked "only" 150 ft. down to strike.

Fish today came on the Hammer Time rig fished off the 130' rigger, and off of a Northern King Green/White superglow prorotype that John asked me to test. That spoon took two hits and was only 50' down.

Cool story...I was cleaning the fleas off of a high rigger (they were really bad today) and had just re-set the rod, and had the main line in my hands and was attaching a free-slider to the line when a steelhead hit! Talk about a cool sensation....before I could even let go of the main line he had already come out of the water!

I sure hope the wind blows some cold water in before my last trip out next weekend. If you're going out today...head deep...really deep!

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