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Mega Byte

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Posts posted by Mega Byte

  1. That last pic where the kids are helping hold the fish is hilarious. The girls look like they were slightly pressured to hold on to it. Made me laugh.

    Actually, oldest girl always wants to touch the fish we catch. We get a fish in the boat and she is the first to say "Can I touch it?"

    My youngest girl takes complete credit for this fish. First, she picked out the plug he was caught on. It took about 5 minutes on intense study, but she found the one she wanted. Next, my wife or I had been driving all day. My youngest was at the helm for about two minutes and the fish hit. She starts yelling, "See! See! It's the driver! I told you I should have been driving sooner!" Then we got the double on and she says, "Imagine how many fish we would have if I had been driving all day! Told ya!"

    Lol. Good times.

    Sent from my LG-Q710AL using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App

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    Took the whole family up to Frankfort hoping to find some cohos for the kids. It was a mid-day trip (11 am - 5:30 PM) so we don't have to deal with cranky kinds the next day.


    Asked for a fishing report on the way out of the harbor. One guy said "Try Lake Superior". Another said he didn't have a hit since 6 am. Hmmm...not what I was hoping to hear.


    We threw a 15 rod spread at them today. Covered water 20 foot down to 90 foot. Worked from 50 fow out to 350 and then back in towards 90 fow. Around 3 PM we finally got a hit on a SWR j-plug down 70-something ft in 90 fow. Rigger said 88', but with the blow back it was shallower than that. It pulled the drag for about 30 seconds but came off.


    Started marking some nice fish between 90 fow and 140. Everything was deep.



    Marked what looked like salmon and schools of coho.





    Switched out my deep baits from big flashers and meat to plugs and a spoon. We were dragging baits just a few feet above all of the marks. Nothing else would fire. Then, as we were pulling lines at 5 PM, the starboard 300 Cu took off. We just let him do his thing and the run stopped and my wife started working him in. About five minutes into the fight the port side 200 Cu fires. I would guess a big coho. Took the board back, but came off after a couple of minutes.

    We boated my wife's king. 28.2 pounds for a new boat record. She beat my son who caught a 27.6 pounder in July. She let him know about it. Several times.
    At this point we've found the fish and if we didn't have to get home to put kids to bed I would have been running plugs near bottom. But...we pulled lines and headed home.

    Had to work for them. Finished the day 1 for 3. Had a great time on the water. The Frankfort parking lot was stuffed full of trailers, but most people were heading in as we were heading out. Only had 1 other boat near us all day long. Enjoy the pictures.






    Sent from my LG-Q710AL using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App




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  3. Took my son out for his birthday. Launched at 9 am. Marked tons of bait and arches in 80 - 100 fow south of the pier.


    Fished 80 fow out to 150 fow. Had a miss in 150 fow on a 200 Cu, RV green flounder. Picked up a nice coho in 80 fow on a 300 Cu, blue haze paddle and meat rig. That was it. Pulled lines at 1:30.


    Thought about going deeper, but had a buddy that went out to 300 fow and back without a bump. Decided to stay in where we were at least marking fish and try and force feed them.



    Sent from my LG-Q710AL using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App



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  4. My high divers are braid. 10' poles. Biggest reason for wire is they get deep better. No need to run them high. There is a theory of the electrical benefits from the wire attacking fish, but I am not aware of any scientific studies proving that. There is a lot of negatives with wire setups and if there is no need to go deep, why introduce the negatives into your spread? For negatives - (1) there is zero stretch in the wire (same can be said for braid), (2) wire can get stuck in the rollers which is a big problem with a big, head-banging king, (3) if the wire is down, a fish at the boat can run into them and easily cut the line. Those last two have happened to me this year. There is no way I would run 4 wire rods.

    The high diver being the longer rod with the shorter wire diver rod on the inside is good practice though.

    Sent from my LG-Q710AL using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App

  5. Minor repairs to the boat. So we were back in action for the small, Michigan Sportsman tournament in Muskegon this AM. Heard the fishing hasn't been that great, so I decide to check the often overlooked water - that inside water less than 50 feet. Marked tons of bait with big arches around them in 48 fow. Tons of bait and fish. However, none of them would bite. Buggers.


    Started sliding out. Worked out to 200 fow with no hits. Spun around and tried an East troll. In 160 fow the starboard slide diver out 111' (about 30' deep) took a hit. The big guy peeled off 350' of line in his first run. My brother boated his person best king - 25 pounds. No other hits.


    We got him on a blue flounder pounder. We tried meat, spoons, flies and plugs. Covered 20' down to 65'. Temp break was about 35' down, but did vary significantly depending on your fow.


    Not many fish were caught in the tourney. Biggest was 27 pounds. Ours was 2nd biggest. Felt good to get the skunk out of the box. Got him around 10:45 am. 20190817_111845.jpeg20190817_110707.jpeg


    Sent from my LG-Q710AL using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App



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  6. All the notes are in my notebook, which is in the boat, which is getting repaired...but from memory...here we go.

    Passed a bunch of boats that were set up in 130 FOW on our way out at 6 PM.  Hit the brakes at 215 FOW and set lines.  Worked into 190 and picked up a nice steelhead on a 100 Cu double orange crush.  Buy that time most of those boats in 130 had moved out to 190.  Got two more steelhead  hits on that same setup (boated one of them).  Once in the 180s and nother around 170 fow.  Picked up a chubby, angry coho down 40 on a rigger in the 150 range (blue flounder pounder).  Picked up a 12 pound steelhead on a 200 Cu with a small greenish paddle and fly.  Found a lot of bait around 110 FOW, but no big arches.  Didn't mark may fish.  Worked water from 215 into 87 fow but never had a king hit.  For the most part, we were straight out front.  Finished with good steelhead and an 8# coho.

    Just before we were going to pull lines, the engine stopped.  Got it going again for a few seconds and it puttered out.  Seemed like it wasn't getting fuel.  Not sure what the problem was.  Made good use of my tow insurance though.  There's a kicker motor in my future at some point, just have to get some house projects done for my wife first.  :)  Anyway, not sure where the kings were.  I heard some guys were doing about a 10 mile run south to find some.  Hopefully my boat can be fixed and we can get back on the water soon.

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