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Posts posted by littleboat

  1. Caught a channel salmon today looked more stubby then I thought. I was jigging down the channel while my efforts to pull hard baits, spoons, flys and plugs failed. He broke my hook. I used a 1/2 oz jig (way too heavy) and a plastic minnow (frosted pepper). Waves were breaking over the pier occasionally. Heard 1 salmon caught in 90' and another. On the radio.


  2. Fished (80-110) north of the port, from 5:30-7:30 am, then it got too rough for the "Littleboat ". 0/3 this morning, south troll 2.3 sog at ball, all on the same combination of poofster glow fly, 8" pearl sd on a wire diver set 3 at 110 bk before the last hit took it, but at least I got the dipsy. Nothing on plugs or meat. Waves turned into 3-4 ft chop. All of the fish were able to shake the hook before I  could pull in the slack??? Yet they when they hit,  it just about pulled the pole out of its holder.

    Port sheldon is quite dark making it difficult to launch. They definitely need some lighting.

  3. Maybe 6 feet for slider, although I improvised the other day and just used a 24" leader (swivel snaps on either end) and that is what I caught the king on... The slider simply stops at the lower bait and if no fish is on there usually is no tangle at all. Sometimes all the flopping of a fish might cause a little tangle to be undone after netting, but worth it. Especially when fishing alone or just two people, it is worth it to get a couple extra baits in the higher water.

    I like the idea of a 2' leader. I used a 4' before, but it became so tangled even with a swivels at each end, I stopped using a slider. I'll a try a shorter one. You need every bait down, especially when fishing with just 3 rods. Thanks.

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