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Posts posted by littleboat

  1. Fished 7:30-11:30, 60-115fow, 1/1 small king on lemonberry spoon on rigger 75 down, in 90fow, sog 2.7, sw troll, ball temp 45. Released him back ino lake. No other hits. Forecasted waves were way off. Had 3 ft chop most of the time. Most marks were in the 45-75 ft range, very few or none deeper. Had a couple of tangles with dipsy and rigger. Strong currents today pushing them into each other.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App

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  2. Fished 80-125, mostly 115 fow depth. 1/1 catching a 4# coho on a caramel dolphin on 270 cu, 2.5 sog south troll in 121fow. Lots of marks, but no biters. Tim joined me again today.

    But the real story of day was the great help I got from two separate groups of people. My truck broke down in the dnr launch, so I couldn't retrieve my boat. A sailor named Pat,  unhitched his sailboat trailer and hauled me out. (Hero #1) I believe he lives near me, so after I thanked him and  I will definitely offer him some fresh catches, when I see him.

    (Heroes#2) Pat ("Creekerman" his handle) and Mike, brothers helped me get the boat home.  I was able to thank them and give them a bunch of fish from my freezer. They had not caught any today.

    So those rescues I have done in the past, came back to save me.

    Thanks again to them and others Tim and Brad for your help also.

    Thanks again,  Littleboat

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App

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  3. Warbler, thanks.

    I haven't seen a king flake like this one if it is one. Mouth color can be deceiving at times(picture angle). The tail was not full of large spots, which is typically of kings, but on the upper portion of the tail as coho. Look closely if you zoom in to the tail in the cooler.
    I hate that bouy that is unlit as you mentioned. I'm always on the lookout for it.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App

  4. Holland am, 9-2-16

    Fished 7:15-12pm, 2/7, 35-125 fow, cold water in close, lots of marks, had a couple of rips, but couldn't keep them on the hook. Moved out to 80-125 range marked fewer, again several rips, but picked up 8# laketrout and 4-1/2# coho.

    DR took both laketrout and coho with speckled dick meat rig. 1st one 31 dwn, in 90fow, 2.9 sog @ball, temp 48.4, west troll. 2nd one 55dwn, in 123fow, 3.0 sog @ball, temp 42.7, se troll.

    Lost real nice steelhead on surface bite while letting out line. 0-1 ft waves. Tim from Whitewhale joined me again today as well as a winged friend on reel.(Chickadee?)



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